While working on updating the blog, somehow I lost my entire Blog List. I'm working on restoring it, but would you do me a huge favor?
Please comment on either this post or tomorrow's post, so I can get your blog address. Otherwise, I'll have to look up each one individually.
Thanks for your help!
Susan :)
P.S. Exciting New Features: Pages are on the top of the sidebar
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Hi Susan ... what a pain .. I leave things well alone and hope that the blog and I won't disagree!
Good luck with the restoration ..
I'm www.positiveletters.com
Cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary -
I usually take that road, but my blog needed serious updating.
Susan :)
Hi Susan, my blog address is denanetherton.blogspot.com
Hi, Susan:
I updated my blog last year and lost everything, too. I feel your pain!
Here's my blog address: janettedolores.blogspot.com.
Be well...
Hi Dena - Thanks!
Hi Janette - I dislike making changes and risking this kind of disaster, but it was necessary.
Susan :)
It's always such a nuisance when glitches happen... so much work to get everything in place again.
It's funny, but my view of your blog's header always has a margin-to-margin double line separated by a question mark in the middle... what looks like a very wide but unrecognized-by-Blogger graphic or photo. Sometimes blogs created on a PC and viewed on a Mac have conflicts that I always think the masterminds should have long ago ironed out. LOL!
Sometimes these things happen, right? :-) We must press on. Congrats on the delivery of your "new baby" (book). :-)
Hi Jennifer -
Thanks! I have all the information, but need time to get it into Blogger. It's been a little busy around here of late!
Susan :)
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