Friday, April 24, 2020

Stay at Home/Debut Author/Re-opening the Economy/Devo/Masks

Housing 1

1.  How are you coping with the "Stay at Home" order? Tammy Karasek posts at The Write Conversation about how to make the most of the time.

2. Barbara Linn Probst posts at Writers in the Storm. She asks the questions, "What makes someone give a debut author a chance?"

3.  I thought it was important for everyone to be aware of the plan to re-open our economy. Breaking Christian News gives a detailed summary of the President's speech.

4.  Martin Wiles posts at The Write Conversation about , "No Body."

5.  I subscribe to the blog, Amish America. They had an interesting story about both Amish and English people producing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. I think you'll enjoy this article.

Question for Authors/Writers:  Were you surprised by what makes someone pick up and buy a debut author's book? Please share your thoughts.

Question for Readers:  What influences you to pick up a debut author's book?

Photo Credit:  Jamie Brelsford

Friday, April 17, 2020

White Space/One Book/Statistics/Devo/Choir


1.  As writers, we think in terms of words. However, did you ever think about white space? This is the canvas upon which your words sit. White space gives readers an opportunity to catch their breath and to focus on the story. Ellen Buikema posts at Writers in the Storm and gives tips on how to keep your readers from experiencing sensory overload.

2.  Writers, are you frustrated because the book of your heart has been rejected a gazillion times? Shannon Taylor Vannatter, at Seriously Write, shares a story about how to move forward.

3.  While the media would have us believe that we're just keeping out innocent women and children, the truth is many dangerous criminals are trying or have succeeded in entering our borders. WND reports on the statistics of those arrested by ICE.

4.  Edie Melson, from The Write Conversation, posts on "Let Go of the Steering Wheel." Having made several drastic moves at the Lord's leading, this resonated with me.

5.  The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sings, "What a Beautiful Name."

Writers:  How many books have you written? If you're published, how many did you write prior to being published? Please share your experience.

Readers:  Edie Melson's devotional hit home for me. Have you ever experienced following the Lord's leading into the great unknown? Please share.

Photo Credit:  Jenny Rollo

Friday, April 10, 2020

Crazy Life?/Storytelling/Corona Survivors/Devo/Colorful Succulents

Laptop user 2

1.  Beth K. Vogt posts at The Write Conversation. I don't know about you, but life's been crazy for years. Are we going to let it stop us from writing?

2.  Yvonne Ortega posts at The Write Conversation about Storytelling for Authors, Part I. She's a successful speaker and shares the things that will take you from dull and boring to having the audience on the edge of their seats.

3.  The Corona Virus has been big news for quite awhile now. Faithwire shares the experiences of several people who were diagnosed with it and recovered. Check it out and be encouraged.

4. Jennie Allen posts at Faith Gateway on the subject, "Are you under attack - God is with you." Don't miss this excellent blog.

5.  Have you seen colorful succulents? They're stunning, but how do you achieve those dreamy hues? Kat, at The Succulent Eclectic, gives us tips on how to make it happen.

Writers:  How do you push past the craziness of life and keep writing?

Readers:  Which link did you find most valuable/encouraging? Please share.

Photo Credit:  Channah

Friday, April 3, 2020

Quirky/Too Old?/Abortion Funding/Risks/Breakfast Recipe

Old couple

1.  Jodie Wolfe writes about creating quirky characters at the Seriously Write blog. I can relate since one of my characters in The Moses Conspiracy had an interesting physical trait - his ears would turn red when he was angry.

2.  Do you think you're too old to write? Jean Fischer shares her thoughts on the subject at her blog, "Something to Write Home About."

3. With so much bad news in the media, the fact that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld President Trump's Title X rule change encouraged me. Under this ruling, abortion providers must separate their family planning/birth control services from their abortion services. Check out this article at Breaking Christian News.

4. Bonnie Leon talks about, "Taking Risks." Check out her blog here.

5.  Are you tired of being stuck at home because of the Corona Virus? Here's a yummy breakfast recipe from Averie Cooks to brighten your morning.

Writers:  How has the Corona Virus pandemic affected your writing?

Readers:  Since so many activities have been restricted, are you reading more books? How many?

Photo Credit:  Pierre Amerlynck