Memorial Day was originally called, "Decoration
Day." This is the day we remember
those who died in all wars. Veterans Day honors all who served in the
military, but this day is set aside for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Recently, I reviewed a book by Sarah Sundin (The Sea Before
Us) about the Normandy
invasion during World War II. The high stakes of war has always attracted both
writers and readers. There's something about bravery, sacrifice for our fellow
man, that resonates with us and stirs the emotions.
When reading books about the Revolutionary War, The Civil
War, and the World Wars, I realize what our freedom cost in terms of human
lives. I'm so thankful people had the courage to challenge the bullies of the
world and stop them in their tracks.
Writers and Readers: How do you celebrate Memorial Day?
Photo Credit: Melodi2