As a child, I enjoyed everything about Christmas and the
preparations for it. Lights were put around our living room window, wreaths
were hung, cards written, and the biggest thrill of all - putting up the tree.
My mother's stories of how my grandfather made little scenes
for under the tree inspired my own efforts. I'd cut people, houses, and winter
scenes from old cards and prop them up on the snowy skirt surrounding its base.
We also purchased miniature skaters, skiers, and a mirror that became a pond.
One year, we found a cardboard village in the Sears catalog and added that to
the collection.
There were some things that took center stage. The Nativity
Scene which held my interest for hours, bringing to mind the true reason for
the season. My mother always had records playing of beloved Christmas Carols. I
knew every one of them by heart and probably drove everyone crazy as I belted
them out non-stop.
Those early years and non-verbal lessons helped prepare my
heart for the experience of knowing Jesus as my Savior. At the tender age of
nine, I went to the altar and gave Him my heart and life.
I'll be taking a blog break until Monday, January 7, 2019. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I'll be taking a blog break until Monday, January 7, 2019. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Writers and Readers: I've never forgotten those precious times. How do you bring
Jesus into your Christmas celebrations? Please share.
Here's one of my favorite Christmas songs:
Photo Credit: Debbie Schiel