1. Tammy Karasek posts at The Write Conversation. Are you having trouble putting words on paper? She has some great suggestions on how to break through it.
2. Barbara Linn Probst gives us an excellent tutorial on how
to eliminate unnecessary words from our manuscripts. She also gives examples of
when to keep words that show up often. Check out her post at Writer
3. The Ohio
House has voted to ban abortions once there is a detectable fetal heartbeat.
There are enough votes in the Senate to pass the bill. However, Governor John
Kasich has opposed the bill and will not sign it. The President of the Senate
is considering holding the vote until the new governor, Mike Dewine, takes
office. He has pledged to sign the bill. Check out the article at Breaking
Christian News.
4. Dena Netherton
posts about healthy habits, which includes her daily quiet time. I'm always
interested in how people like to study the Word.
5. We've seen a lot
of posts on gifts for writers, but what about readers? Besides the obvious gift
of books, here are some suggestions at Best
Products. (Note: I don't endorse all the products, but 98% are okay.)
Writers and Readers:
What is on your writer or reader Wish List for this Christmas?
Photo Credit: Doctor-a
Photo Credit: Doctor-a
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