Wednesday, February 1, 2017

On My Kindle - Wings of Glass by Gina Holmes

Take one young woman with a distant father and a handsome, but abused, man and you get a volatile relationship. Penny and Trent Taylor live their lives in a haze of alcohol and co-dependency.

If I had to choose words to describe this story, they'd run along these lines:


Gina Holmes paints a picture of the physical abuse and mind games that leave the victim in perpetual confusion. Her powerful writing and hope infusion left this reader wanting more stories.

5 Stars for Wings of Glass.

Disclaimer: I can't recall how I got this book - perhaps a free promotion. Neither the author nor the publisher paid me for a favorable review. All opinions expressed are my honest evaluation of the story.

Writers and Readers:  Do character-driven novels give you that strong, emotional reaction? Please share.

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