Shannon O'Donnell bestowed this award on me for commenting on her blog. I appreciate the honor, but it's you who deserves it most for your enjoyable site.
Okay, I'm supposed to share seven things about myself:
1. When I was a kid, I could keep a hula hoop going longer than most of the others in the neighborhood. (Now, I can't manage it at all!)
2. Once I got the hang of reading, it wasn't unusual for me to read seven books per week. (The library was hard-pressed to keep me supplied with reading material.)
3. I took two city buses to get to my high school--a character-building exercise.
4. My high school was across the street from a school for the deaf. I purchased my first sign language textbook as an adult. Eventually, I took classes, and now lead a Sign Language Worship Team.
5. Although I hated history in school, I love it now. Maybe all those historical novels influenced my attitude.
6. Chocolate is my favorite flavor. I don't waste calories on non-chocolate confections unless I'm desperate. I've been known to buy a vanilla frozen yogurt and make the clerk cover it in chocolate sprinkles.
7. I'm convinced they modeled Cookie Monster after me. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite variety, but I also enjoy Oreos.
I'm passing on this award to two of my Blogger Buddies:
Kristen Johnson's, "Adventures of History Girl," blog entertains me with all sorts of history-related goodies.
Jan Cline shares her writing journey on her, "Precious Times Gifts by Jan," blog. There's always something interesting to stimulate my imagination and quicken my spirit.
I'd love to give out more awards, but I'm out of time.