Let's welcome Jeanette Levellie to Christian Writer/Reader
Connection! Jeanette has a new book out called, "Shock the Clock." I
love that title, don't you? Jen is going deeper with this interview and sharing
a bit of her history.
1. What would you say
is the theme of your life?
Grace in many forms, hope, and humor.
2. How has the Lord
shown His grace to you throughout your life, and now, in your middle years?
I grew up in an alcoholic family, and my parents divorced
when I was six. My mom married another alcoholic when I was nine, and my real
daddy, a sweet guy whom I loved dearly, died seven months later. As a teen, I
rebelled against my parents and acted out from a deep sense of abandonment and
rejection. God never gave up on me, and forty years ago, He led me to a great
man of God, Kevin Levellie, to be my husband. We won't hold it against him that
he's a preacher!
Now, as the parent of two adults who struggle with various
issues, I'm learning that God's grace is sufficient for every trial. No one is
exempt from trials, but some are more victorious in them. Those are the people
who learn to lean heavily on the Word and their relationship with Jesus.
3. Your blog is
titled, "Hope Splashes, Finding Gold in Life's Puddles." Can you
explain why you chose that name?
No matter what you are going through and how muddy you get,
God always has a surprise up His sleeves for you. You may get muddy finding it,
but it's there.
4. Why is humor so
important to you?
Humor and laughter keep me from falling apart when I feel
like the underside of a snake in a deep rut. The benefits of laughter and
humor, both to physical and emotional health, have been proven by many studies.
But if you don't believe those, just watch a hilarious movie or a YouTube video
of a baby laughing, and see if you don't feel better afterwards. My last book,
"The Heart of Humor," is filled with funny stories and articles about
how laughter helps you stay young and feel great.
5. Why are you so
interested in Time Management?
I see many people who have talent and intelligence, but who
have no idea how to manage their lives. I was not born organized. I had the
messiest crib in the church nursery. I learned how to manage my time as an
adult. So I'd like to share what I've learned with others, so they can get the
most out of their lives and enjoy themselves.
Author Bio: Jeanette
Levellie, humor/devotional author, is the wife of one man, mother of two
adults, grandmother of three children, and servant of four cats. Her favorite
sport is eating out. she is the author of three books and has published
hundreds of columns, articles, stories, greeting card verses and poems.
has generously offered to give away one signed, print copy of her book,
The Heart of Humor," or an ebook to one commenter. To enter, please
leave a comment and your contact information (email address).
This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. Void where
prohibited. Deadline: 9/17/15 at midnight.