Monday, February 27, 2017

Survey Time - Social Media

Where do you hang out on social media?

Other (Please specify)

Please answer in the comments. If you could include a brief reason why you chose the particular platforms you're on, I'd appreciate it. I'm considering expanding my social media reach.


Photo Credit:  Craig Parylo


Ruth Schiffmann said...

I'm on Facebook, Goodreads, and Twitter. Although I check in with Facebook every day, I'm not a very active poster. I post even less on Twitter. Of all the networking methods I've tried so far, I am by far most comfortable with blogging.

Karen Lange said...

I spend most of my time on Facebook because it seems to be the most interactive. Perhaps that's only because I'm more familiar with it. Hang out some on Pinterest, Goodreads, Twitter, and Google+ when I have time, but mostly use them to share my blog posts and other links. Got on Instagram in the last 18 mos.or so and I really like it. But I'm purposely limiting my friends there because I want to keep it manageable - I don't plan to use it for marketing. I probably should make more of an effort with LinkedIn since others I know have found it really useful. So many social media outlets, so little time! lol :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Ruth - Keeping up with these social networks can be a challenge.

Hi Karen - Yes, that's why I prefer Facebook. Like blogging, it offers the most connection with people. I found my editor on LinkedIn - a definite home run.