Friday, July 6, 2018

Indie Tips/POV/Persecuted Christians/Devo/Recipe

Paper people

1.  Erica Liodice posted at Writer Unboxed about avoiding publisher's remorse. With so many people choosing the Indie route, it's easy to get tripped up. The writer gives some excellent tips on what to NOT do when preparing your book for readers.

2. Lisa Hall-Wilson gives 5 Ways Deep Point of View Delivers a Punch in Action Scenes. This is for the more advanced writer. If you're unfamiliar with Deep POV, it would be good to study the basics first.

3.  Faith, Family America reports on Vice-President Pence's plan to aid persecuted Christians in Iraq.

4. Audrey Frank shares a devotional on, "Why  Writers Need Each Other." While directed at writers, it will speak to the heart of every believer.

5.  Be still my heart! Flourless, peanut butter, chocolate chip muffins are only 100 calories each.

Writers:  Are any of using the Indie route to publication? If so, what tip at Writer Unboxed helped you the most?

Readers:  What are your favorite go-to recipes? Please share.

Photo Credit:  Davide Guglielmo

1 comment:

quietspirit said...

Susan: I have to say #6. I needed to plan for the marketing better than I did. I am trying to decide what to do to boost my effectiveness in this area. Please pray for me about this.