Friday, May 6, 2016

Helping Authors/Deep Edit/Prayer/Devo/Introverts

1.  Penny Sansevieri gives 5 Quick Ways to Help Your Favorite Author.

2.  Margie Lawson does a deep edit of Susan Donovan's prologue at Writers In The Storm. Wow! This emphasizes the importance of word choice. It's a great piece on writing craft.

3. I love hearing testimonies about how God moved in a person's life. shares how a pastor and his wife prayed for a boy hit by a truck.

4. We all have "one of those days" from time to time. Dena Netherton talks about her own day and how it led to a pity party. I thought her suggestion at the end was great, and I pray the Lord will remind me to do this on a regular basis.

5.  Jeanette Levellie gives tips on how to relate to an introvert. She plans to do a similar post on extroverts. I can't wait. :)

Writers:  What was your favorite part of Margie Lawson's deep edit of Susan Donovan's prologue? Why?

Readers:  Are you or someone you love an introvert? Which tip spoke to you the most?

Photo Credit:  Matthew Bowden



quietspirit said...

Susan: You chose some very good posts to shere. Thank you for each of these. The all had something I needed.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Cecelia - I'm glad the links were helpful. Happy Mother's Day! Susan :)