Friday, August 30, 2013

Join Me on the Internet Express

Are you ready? Grab your mouse, and let's go!

1.  Ane Mulligan, at Seriously Write, discusses the importance of character motivation and how it is the basis of Goal, Motivation, and Conflict.

2. Need a laugh? Funny author and dear friend, Jeanette Levellie, talks about how much she hates meetings.

3.  Janette Dolores talks about the stress Moms face as a new school year begins and how she keeps worry from taking over her life.

Writers and Readers: I've given you some links here. Do you have any favorite blogs you think I should visit? Please share.

Photo Credit:  wagg66


Unknown said...

Aw! I love that you're sending us out to the best blog posts you've found. I'll check them out. Thanks!

Forgive me for stalking your blog and not commenting often. Because of my visual impairment, figuring out the verification codes to comment is very difficult. I'll see you around on Facebook though!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan .. all my commenters are worth visiting .. it's just such a great source of information, fun and good reads ..

I have to say I agree with Nisa - you could put comment moderation on instead - at least you'd eliminate any comments you might get and don't want - but we'd be able to comment without the hoops ... it does put me off - and my eyesight is good - though even I trip with some of the WVs?! Sorry!!

Cheers for now .. Hilary

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nisa - I'm sorry you have so much trouble with the codes. Whenever I remove them, I get flooded with spam. Thanks for reading my blog. Know that you're appreciated.

Hi Hilary - The problem with comment moderation is you'd have to wait forever to see your comment on the blog. My time on the Net is limited.

Question: Would you mind if your comments took long to appear on the blog?

Susan :)

JD said...

Hi, Susan:

Thank you for the thoughtful shout-out! How nice it is to visit your blog to see what you've been up to and see my name on it as a recommended site. :-)

As for a blog you may want to check out, there is always something fun, warm, or hilarious to read over at my pal Shelly's site, La Tejana, And Shelly herself is a friendly blogger who responds frequently to comments.

As for your question above, no, I wouldn't mind if my comments took longer to appear on your blog. I use comment moderation myself over the captcha codes, and no one has ever seemed bothered by the lapse in time it takes to see their comments published.

Enjoy the long weekend! Smooches.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Janette -

I'm glad you had a pleasant surprise. :)

Thanks for the feedback about blog comments. It seems that moderation is preferable to the captchas. I'll have to remedy the situation.
