Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On My Nightstand - A River to Cross by Yvonne Harris

Elizabeth Evans moves to Texas to help her widowed brother with his newspaper and his little girl. Leaving Washington, D.C. and the memories of her late husband, she's excited about this new opportunity. What she gets is a different story. Her brother is murdered and she's kidnapped by the forces of General Manuel Diego.

In 1886, Texas is still a wild frontier. Jake Nelson serves as a Texas Ranger. In an area with few law enforcement personnel, the group provides protection from outlaws and handles problems. Jake obtains a photo of Elizabeth and sets out to rescue her.

I don't want to give away too much of the story, but it grabbed me from the first page. This story was a bucking bronco from start to finish. I loved it!

There's plenty of action, history, and romance. It also makes me happy I live now and not back then.

When you read historicals, do you wish you lived in that time period or are you satisfied you live in the present day?

Disclaimer: I won this book on Jaime Wright's blog. I received no remuneration from either the publisher or author for this review. The opinions, as always, are my own.


Jessica Nelson said...

OH my, look at that amazing cover! This sounds like a great story, one I'd like to read.
I'm satisfied with present day because I love the plethora of books we have, the internet, and bathtubs with running water. :-)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jess -

I'm with you. Yay for indoor plumbing!

Susan :)

Nancy said...

Look at that gorgeous picture on the cover. Love that. No, I would not like to live in bygone days at all. Perhaps if I were born some years earlier, I wouldn't have to contend with all of the new technilogical things, but then I wouldn't be blogging either.

Kristen said...

This sounds like a suspenseful story! Thanks for the review.

When I read historicals, it makes me thankful for the time i live in, but I do want to dress in the clothes and do a play set in that time period!!

Have a great day!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nancy - I figure God knew exactly what timeframe fit His plans for my life. :)

Hi Kristen - Yes, it's fun to re-enact another time period as long as we don't have to deal with all the inconveniences.


Karen Lange said...

Now this sounds like an interesting book! Thanks for the review. I am thinking I need to add this to my wish list. :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen -

Yes, I think you'd enjoy this one. I'll be looking for more of her books.

Susan :)