Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On My Nightstand - Stealing Adda by Tamara Leigh

Adda Sinclaire reaches the pinnacle of success as a New York Times Best Selling author. Her historical romances leave readers craving for her next release. While Adda's professional life is the envy of everyone, including her arch enemy, Birgitta Roth, her personal life is beginning to affect her writing.

After fending off the advances of a handsome bookcover model, she meets a man whose good looks and charm break through her defenses. Baggage on both sides of the equation, an endearing daughter, and an attempt to ruin her career make for lots of conflict and fun.

There's a familiar saying in writer circles, "write what you know." Well, Tamara Leigh took that advice and wrote a tale about a novelist. As usual, her characters leap off the page, grab your hand, and drag you into the story with their hilarious antics, quirks, and sometimes heart-wrenching pain.

I won this book in a blog contest, and no fee was paid for this review by the author or publisher. I'm already missing her stories. You've gained a fan, Tamara. I'll be back for more of your entertaining books.


patti said...

Good post on another deserving writer!

Thanks, Susan

Terri Tiffany said...

What makes me happy about this book is it is about a writer. I was told when querying my last book that happens to have a writer in it, that books about writers won't sell. (an agent told me) Nice to see this!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Patti -

Thank you. I love this author's sense of humor and style.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Terri -

Hmm, tell that to Angela Hunt, who wrote, "The Novelist," as well as to Tamara Leigh. Also, one of Julie Lessman's characters, Faith, is a writer.

Personally, it piques my interest when a character's occupation involves writing.

Susan :)

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Does she write in first person? I haven't read anything of hers and was just wondering. I keep hearing great things though.

And Terri, look at that show Castle with the writer and detective. That is a great show! (not a book, I know, but they have published the books that Castle has written on the show) ;)

Janna Leadbetter said...

Okay, Susan, so you've reviewed her books before, and I see her name lots of places. I've even held her books in my hands at the library, but have never bit the bullet. I should go ahead and read her now?

Janna Leadbetter said...

PS. Ditto what Sherrinda said. As with anything in writing, I think it matters most not what it is, but what you do with it. If done well, writing about writers can work!

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hhmm... thanks Susan for the tip, I don't mind books about writing/writers :) I am sure I can relate to the hardships she goes through!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Janna -

Go for it!

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Janna -

I agree. This story worked well.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Marja -

I found myself nodding more than once when she talked about deadlines, writers' block, etc.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sherrinda -

Yes, this book is in first person. If I'm not mistaken, most chick lit titles are written in that style.

Great example! I also enjoy Castle when the rabbit ears will bring it in. :)


Jeanette Levellie said...

I like to read books about writers, especially if they're written by writers.

Ahhahaaahhahahaa! Now I made myself laugh!

Jesson Balaoing said...

nice post to those who deserve become a writer.

Tana said...

The cover looks SO cute, I'm sold on that alone!

quietspirit said...

Interesting story. Stories about writers are neat. Steven King wrote one about an author who gets confined in the home of a woman who has committed murder. They made it into a movie. The name escapes me. James Caan plays the author. Cathy Bates plays the woman.

Jessica Nelson said...

Great review! I'm hoping to see one of her books at the library so I can read how good she is for myself. :-)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jesson and Rey Ann -

Thanks for visiting my blog. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I hope you'll visit and comment again. We'd enjoy getting to know you. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi T. Anne -

It is a cute cover. I loved the typewriter with the heart.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jess -

She's quite a prolific writer. I have five of her books, but I know she's written more. Maybe you could ask the library to do a search or to get some of her books.

I recently finished the last book she sent me. (I won all five in a blog contest.) A recommendation will be forthcoming in about a month.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jen -

I had to read that line twice. Now, I know why you're laughing. LOL!

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Quiet Spirit -

I haven't read Stephen King novels, so I didn't know about this book.

Thanks for joining the conversation. We're finding there are quite a few novels about writers.

Susan :)