3. Plotter or SOTP? Please give us a peek at your writing process.
SOTP all the way. LOL, I never know what's going to happen until I sit down and see it play out on the computer screen, which makes writing a true adventure. However, I do acquaint myself thoroughly with my characters before I begin a story. I know what the character wants, why he or she wants it, and what stands in the way. I strive to include an internal battle, an external battle, and a spiritual battle. This gives me well-rounded characters and a lot of conflict to drive the story.
4. What advice would you give a writer, who is ready to approach an agent or publisher at a conference?
Be prepared, positive, passionate, and professional. That might sound simplistic, but I do believe those four attributes will help you present yourself well. Being well-prepared and professional are important from a business sense; being positive and passionate about your story are important from a personal sense. The four together assure you'll make a good impression.
5. Finally, what new books are you ready to launch? Do many men read your novels?
In September of this year, a Bethany House historical, In Every Heartbeat (the sequel to My Heart Remembers) will be available as well as Katy's Homecoming, Book Three in the Katy Lambright Series from Zondervan. In December, another historical, Courting Miss Amsel, will release from Bethany House. It's a busy year for me! And yes, although I write to an adult female audience, I often hear from younger readers as well as men who enjoy the historical stories for the accurate settings and historical tidbits scattered through the stories.
Thanks for sharing your journey and great tips, Kim. We look forward to your new releases.
Don't forget the giveaway folks! Leave a comment here with your email address, and get one entry. If you haven't already left a comment on the 6/30/10 post, be sure to hop over there for a second entry. Let me know you're a Follower or become a Follower for a third entry.
Deadline: Saturday, July 10, 2010, at midnight. Winners will be notified via email and announced on the blog on Sunday, July 11, 2010.
U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited. No fees are required to participate. Neither the author or her publisher paid for this interview/giveaway.
QUESTION FOR YOU: Kim told us how she gets to know her characters before the writing begins. What drives your stories - character, plot, or a combination of both?
Great part II! I'm excited to hear Kim has another release soon!
Hmmm. I'd say a combo!
Hi Susan,
Being pretty new at this novel writing I dont have a set pattern. But my current WIP is driven by character - my mom. The plot basics take care of themselves in this one because it's loosely based on her life. It has been difficult to balance the fiction and fact. It's teaching me to dig into character more though. Great interview - best wishes Kim. Have a great week.
Loved the conclusion of this interview. Thanks to both of you for sharing this with us. Kim is a favorite author of mine.
Great interview, Susan! Sure doesn't sound like Kim is a SOTP writer. She sounds very organized and methodical in her approach to writing. Love the advice she gave about approaching a publisher/agent: be prepared, positive, passionate, and professional. Definitely a take-home for me! Please enter me in your drawing - morgan(dot)maria(dot)i(at)gmail(dot)com. God bless you!
Hi Everyone -
Please forgive the single comment. My Internet Provider is not working. I'm not sure when I'll have service. (They say 24 hours, but it's not definite.)
Patti - I'm probably a combo also. I do know the beginning and end and work on my characters ahead of time.
Hi Jan - It takes time to discover the best method for your writing style.
Hi Karen - Kim did a great job with her answers. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Maria - Thanks for entering and leaving your email. I liked the three "P's" also. :)
Good tips for the conference--I'm definitely going to keep those four things in mind.
I usually write character driven stories with plenty of internal battles. I'm working on getting more conflicting and interesting plot twists in there.
I guess I left my e-mail address last time but here it is again. wilsoncindyr(at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for posting this interview, Susan!
Pick me, pick me, pick me!!! Please, with chocolate truffles on top?
I'd love to win one of Kim's books!
P.S. My books are character driven. Everyone in my life is a character!
I'm almost out of novels to read.
Susan and Kim:
This was a very good interview. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I enjoyed the second part of Kim interview more than the first. Both were quite good. I'm pleased that Kim and I are becoming friends on Facebook. I'm not a published writer, but I do have a yen to write. I haven't found the past tense of "yen" yet! Perhaps some of the talent will rub off on me. Thanks for the chance to read her book.
Blessed Be in Christ,
Barb Shelton
In answer to your question, Susan, Since I've not written like a real novelist yet, I want to write about real people, the people I know and their and mine experiences - all as fiction. My life is full of the unusual experiences that one reads about in a book. Is this the wrong way to go about writing? I appreciate this chance to say something.
In Christ,
Barb Shelton
don't you love the way Kim's characters introduce themselves to her...Kim writes the way she lives....awesome...I am a follower
Hi Susan, didn't know where else to tell you that I'm following you now and thanks for following me. I love your comment in your profile.
I love Kim's books.
Kaye Whitney
I would love a chance to win!
I'm still learning my writing style. The story I'm working on now started with an idea and I built characters around it to bring it to life...no my characters have a life of their own. I wish I could type as fast as they live in my head!
I enjoyed reading your interview with Kim! I've enjoyed a couple of her books so far. Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!
Hi Everyone -
My Internet connection was finally restored this afternoon (7/7/10). Thanks for your patience.
Susan :)
Hi Cindy -
Kim gave some wonderful tips for the conferences. My manuscripts are more plot driven. I'd like to bring more balance because I think it enriches the story.
Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway. :)
Hi Jen -
Ooo, you know my weakness for Lindt dark chocolate truffles. :)
Thanks for entering the giveaway.
Character seems to drive my books--love to dig deep:) Great interview!
Hi Quiet Spirit -
Thanks for entering the drawing. I enjoyed interviewing Kim, and found her advice practical and sound.
Susan :)
Hi Barb -
Thanks for joining the discussion and welcome to Christian Writer/Reader Connection. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Writers often take their experiences and "fictionalize" them. It's a delicate balance since you don't want your family and friends getting angry or avoiding you. Maybe I'll do a post on it. Thanks for the idea. :)
Hi Virginia -
I've read several of Kim's books, and I'm totally hooked.
Her characters are the family down the street, the orphan you see on the 6:00 p.m. news, and the guy sitting in the next cubicle at work. In short, they're believable.
Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway. I couldn't wait until this interview posted.
Susan :)
Hi Em-Musing -
Thanks for becoming a Follower. I look forward to getting acquainted. :)
Hi Kaye -
I share your sentiments. When I pick up one of Kim's books, I know I'm in for a satisfying reading experience.
Susan :)
Hi Deborah -
LOL! I started my second manuscript with the idea of featuring the hero and heroine from book 1. A peripheral character elbowed his way to the head of the line and announced this was his story.
Susan :)
Oh Deborah -
I forgot - you need to comment with your email address to enter the giveaway. Please come back and add your email.
Hi Rhonda -
You're welcome. Thanks for entering the drawing. :)
Hi Terri -
I'm learning how to "dig deep." As I said earlier, the plot often dominates my manuscripts. I'm getting better. :)
Kim has some great books coming out . . . Courting Miss Amsel is already on my wish list.
I have really enjoyed getting to know a little about Kim through these interviews and appreciate the chance to win her book.
I'm also a follower of your blog, Susan.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Hi Carole -
Thanks for commenting and entering the giveaway. You have three entries. (Part I, Part II, and Follower)
Susan :)
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