Monday, October 27, 2008

Examining All Facets

At our writers' group on October 18th, we studied the intricacies of writing dialogue. During the discussion, we talked about authors, and how they handled dialogue and character development.

I brought up Mary DeMuth and Lisa Samson. Mary is expert at showing the inner motivations of her characters. Her dialogue is true to each one. Nine-year-old Maranatha sounds like a nine-year-old child. A villain is chilling without being a caricature.

Lisa bares the soul of her characters as they journey from hopelessness to joy. There are no pat or unrealistic answers. The struggles are authentic and often heart-wrenching.

As other books and authors were discussed and dissected (doesn't that sound like a biology experiment - ewww), I realized the richness of reading many authors and genres. Each one has a distinct storytelling style, voice, and talent.

While I'll always have my favorite authors, I'm determined to examine and enjoy the writing of as many writers as possible. Why be satisfied with one brilliant flash when other facets hold a variety of colors, experiences, and nuances that make up human beings?


Sarah said...

I don't even think I have a favorite author...I read too many different types of books!

I'll read almost anything, as long as it looks interesting. I read the backs of cereal boxes when I'm in between visits to Barnes & Noble.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sarah -

Woohoo! I'm back - no more Jury Duty.

I make sure I never run out of books. Currently, I have one in my desk drawer at work to read during breaks, one on my desk at home, and several on my nightstand.

Cereal boxes won't satisfy my thirst for reading. I'm too picky about my cereals. I've been eating the same two for...I lost count how many years.

Susan :)

Mike Dellosso said...

Great comment, Susan, about reading a variety of authors in a variety of genres. I tend to get "stuck" on one author at a time. Reading outside your own writing genre is important too and makes you a more well-rounded reader.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Mike -

Years ago, I was on an Agatha Christie kick. After awhile, I was able to figure out whodunit half way through the book.

If I don't mix it up - different authors, different genres - I become overly familiar with the style and voice. This takes the edge off the reading experience.

I have my favorites, but I add new authors and genres to keep them fresh and inviting.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Susan :)