Friday, November 1, 2019

Emotions/A Hiding Plot/Christians Banned/Devo/Geraniums

Country Geranium

1.  Lisa Hall-Wilson, at Writers in the Storm, talks about writing emotions in deep point of view. Don't let that frighten you. She's an excellent teacher, and I've learned a lot reading her articles. :)

2.  Janice Hardy, at Writing in the Storm, posts on, "Getting Lost When Your Plot Hides Behind the Details." Sometimes we have an idea for a story, and it isn't working. She gives a great example and then dissects it.

3.  When a Christian band was excluded from a concert on public property, they asked the ACLJ for help. The lawyers met with the organizers and pointed out that the Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the free speech rights of individuals. Check out this informative article on WND.

4.  Peggy Sue Wells posts, at The Write Conversation, about Cec Murphy and how his experience on the mission field impacted his writing.

5.  Geraniums add so much beauty to a garden.  Instead of buying new plants every year, why not try overwintering them?  I found these instructions at Nikki Lynn Design.

Writers and Readers: Which link resonated with you this week? Please share.

Photo Credit:  Kym McLeod

1 comment:

quietspirit said...

I had read the article on Cecil Murphy before on that site. However, I truly love the message. As Christians, we should practice forgetting what we do for someone and, conversely, remember what has been done for us. Peace and blessings.