Friday, January 25, 2019

Use Words Well/Those "D" Words/China/Devo/2019 Bedroom Decor


1.  Tammy Karasek posts at The Write Conversation at using our words well. As writers, we have the potential of reaching many people.

2.  Marcia Moston posts at The Write Conversation about Disclaimers and Defamation. As writers, we need to be aware of the pitfalls writing about real people and situations.

3.  Christian Headlines reports that police in China are facing loss of their jobs if they don't arrest Christians.

4.  Once again, The Write Conversation offers words of wisdom about the disappointments we face in life. Beth Vogt urges us to stick around long enough to get something out of the inevitable situations we'd like to avoid.

5.  I checked out bedroom decorating trends for 2019 and found this website. My favorite? The cozy purple bedroom, of course! Do you have a favorite among these pictures?

Writers:  How do you make word choice decisions? Synonym Finder? Prayer? Please share how you find just the right word to express your thoughts/tell your story.

Readers:  What kind of stories do you enjoy the most?

Photo Credit:  Brenton Nicholls

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