Friday, December 8, 2017

Scene Launch/Story Details/Cancer Therapy/Dream/Why Christmas?

1.  Jordan Rosenfeld guest posts on Jane Friedman's blog. She gives us 4 Ways to Launch a Scene. Take a look at these great tips for writers in all genres.

2.  It's easy to get bogged down with story details. Zoe M. McCarthy gives some concise ways to get the message across.

3.  Breaking Christian News reports on the FDA's approval of a new gene therapy that may treat deadly and formerly untreatable forms of cancer. For all of us who have been touched by this scourge either personally or a loved one, this is good news.

4.  Emme Gannon writes an encouraging posts to writers, but it can apply to anyone. Don't let anyone crush your dreams.

5.  I found a website called, "whychristmas." It talks about how various traditions began and how to create some new traditions for your family. I've included the page on the Christmas Story here for your enjoyment.

Writers:  Which writing tip was your favorite? Please share.

Readers:  Do you have any family Christmas traditions? Favorite foods/ornaments/events?

Photo Credit:  Dimitris Petridis

1 comment:

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hi Susan, family Christmas traditions? Not so much. In Holland we have two Christmas days, the 25th and the 26th. So, the 2nd day we always have dinner at my in-laws, with all children, grand and great grand children. A true happening :)