Friday, January 22, 2016

Unpolished/Story Ideas/FRC/Get Organized/Recipe

1.  Traci Tyne Hilton guest posts at The Write Conversation. Her view of unpolished literary works certainly runs counter to traditional publishing models. Interesting post.

2.  Amber Schamel guest posts on Seriously Write. Sparking story ideas isn't as hard as we think. She illustrates her method and encourages writers to keep their eyes open.

3.  FRC puts out reliable information, and this issue of their update made my hair stand on end. For all their talk about privacy, the government is stripping away in small chunks. It makes me think of the old saying, "He's talking from both sides of his mouth," meaning contradictory statements.

Also covered is the lack of Christian refugees in this huge influx.

4.  I don't know about you, but this time of the year brings out my desire to get organized. While I've made progress, clutter still creates problems. I came across this article with 5 tips to deal with all the stuff. Perhaps it will help you as well.

5.  Recipe Corner. Here's a recipe for Butternut Squash Parmesan from Kraft. It looks yummy. I'll print it out and maybe even try it. (Maybe this is one of the reasons I have a problem with clutter - a lot of good intentions, but not a lot of acting on them. LOL!)

Writers:  What sparks story ideas for you?

Readers:  Do you print out recipes and then never make them? Please share.

Photo Credit:  dekok


Jeanette Levellie said...

Thanks for taking the time to share all these helpful links, Susan.

I wrestle with clutter all year long! It wastes so much valuable time! I often hear the word "simplify" in my heart. I believe it's the Holy Spirit trying to help me manage my time better.

Have a great week,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jeanette,

Clutter is a constant battle for me. I can clean things up, but it's the maintenance end that gives me problems.

God bless,