Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Round-Up - #203

Mary Vee, at The Writers Alley, talks about the gift of writing and what we do with it.

Writers: How are you using the gift of writing?

Readers: What are the special gifts God has given you, whether writing or something else?

Have a blessed weekend!
Photo: fangol


Karen Lange said...

Thanks for the link. My goal is to use my writing for God's glory. I think I need to prayerfully reassess my time and goals. Thanks for the encouragement.


quietspirit said...

That was a great blog entry on the writing gift.
My goal is to educate, sometimes to entertain, to promote and to assist those who search for God's truth.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen - I'm in that same place. :)

Hi Quiet Spirit - I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Tyrean Martinson said...

My goal is to educate, write, and serve the Lord with a willing heart in all things.

Nancy said...

Mary had so many good things to say about not neglecting your gift. I felt convicted and encouraged all at once. That's quite a feat. Thanks, Susan and Mary.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Tyrean - It's great to have a defined focus.

Hi Nancy - I know what you mean. I've been much more diligent since I read that post.

Susan :)