Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Many thoughts run through my head at this moment. Perhaps I can catch them like an elusive firefly. Instead of forming neat sentences, I decided a list would best suit my purposes.

1. We talk about Thanksgiving, but do we remember Who we are thanking? Like Christmas with Christ x'd out, I've heard it referred to as, "Turkey Day." I will give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 107:1)

2. I'm thankful I can write these words, a freedom people in some countries do not possess.

3. My heart swells with gratitude when I think of what it cost God to reconcile with me. Such love makes thanksgiving flow from my lips each day.

4. When I sit down with my family to share a meal or I reach out to hug one of them, I'm overwhelmed by the blessings He's given me.

5. I'm awed by the way believers have stood by me in times of great distress, discouragement, and sorrow. We are family.

What are you thanking God for this Thanksgiving?


Jessica Nelson said...

For many of the same things you are. My healthy, beautiful family, love, etc.

Karen Lange said...

Thanking God for similar things, and for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessings and hugs,

quietspirit said...

My list looks a lot like yours. I am thankful for many things that I can't even express.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Everyone -

Computer problems here. Sorry for the blooper in the first paragraph.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Susan :)

Nancy said...

What a great list. Hope your Thanksgiving is truly blessed.

Jean Fischer said...

I've thought a lot about thankfulness lately. I'm thankful to God for being God, and then I'm thankful for everything He's done for me, especially the things that I'm not even aware of.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Susan.
