Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Round-Up - #160

Janalyn Voight, at Author Haven, interviews Marc Schooley. They talk about a subject near and dear to my heart: Seat-of-the-Pants writing.

If you're a plotter, have you ever tried SOTP writing.

All of you SOTP writers, do you have any insights to share on how you write?

Janalyn Voight, at Author Haven, gives 7 tips on writing tense crisis scenes.

#4 got me. I should do a search for words like "nodded" and "shrugged." I'm sure I use them too often.

How about you? Is there a particular point on her list that nailed your shoes to the floor?

A few weeks ago, we had a Laurel Garver week. This is officially "Janalyn Voight" week. :) Congrats, Janalyn. Your posts keep me thinking.

Happy weekend!


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Happy weekend Susan! Haha, I should do more word searches too, my English vocabulary is limited, so I do use my synonym button quite often :)

Katie Ganshert said...

Hope you have a great weekend, Susan! I'm definitely a plotter, so no advice to give in the pantsing department. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I am almost done with the Red Ink - awesome. Have a great weekend.

Rhonda Schrock said...

Mom's my name and pantsing's my game. Well, kind of. I wash plenty, but being a weekly columnist, I feel that's how I have to write. I can do some planning, but it's the polar opposite of building a carefully-constructed plot for a fiction novel. Sigh. Some days there just isn't enough coffee...



Nancy said...

I love what Janalyn has uncovered about Marc's writing. I didn't know you were allowed to write like that anymore. That's the way I write. I love finding out what my characters will do next. If people still write like this, then perhaps I could try another novel.

I am quite sure that I could not write the "all planned out way."

Karen Lange said...

Will have to hop over to see the post. Thanks for the heads up. For some things I am a plotter (counting non fiction here too) and for others, SOTP. But even so, I still kind of plan in my head. Can't seem to totally turn it off. :)
Happy weekend,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Marja -

I've found a book called, "The Synonym Finder," helpful. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Katie -

Maybe I should get some pointers on plotting from you. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Chatty -

I'm so glad you're enjoying the book. If you do reviews, I'm sure Kathi would appreciate your thoughts.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Rhonda -

I can see how your situation would be conducive to pantsing. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nancy -

There are plenty of us around the blogosphere. I'm really a combination pantser/plotter. However, the "plotting" takes place mostly in my head. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen -

You echoed my sentiments. I can't see myself writing extensive charts or plotting individual scenes. It's just not me.

Susan :)