This blog is all about connections. I'm not talking about networking although that element plays a part. I'm referring to the bond we have with God and with each other.
Years ago, I watched a skating competition on television. The one skater gave a brilliant technical performance, but her competitor won. Why? Her passion for the music came through.
In this New Year I pray my writing will grow not only from a craft standpoint, but also in expressing spiritual progress. As I touch His outstretched hand, the words on the paper will reflect my relationship with Him.
What is your prayer for the New Year?
Ooh, I love that! Mine is similar.
So cool! I look forward to reading about this ultimate connection. I find the more connected I am to Him, the more genuine all my other connections are.
~ Wendy
Same here ... I'm feeling very nervous as I prep my manuscript to send to an agent. But ultimately, I want my writing to reflect Jesus and/or I want to be where HE wants me to be. So ultimately, the outcome is His - I just have to relax. :)
Hugs - hey! When are we getting together for tea? :)
I like that, Susan! Just this morning, I was asking Jesus to help me follow Him so closely that I keep bumping into His back. I saw that somewhere and just loved the picture it gave me.
Blessings, dear friend!
this is write from my heart about those things that move ways that move much to learn...I'm excited.
Hi Jess -
Yay! I hope we can all stay focused on the purpose of our writing. As Marlene Bagnull quotes from scripture, "write His answer."
Susan :)
Hi Wendy -
Excellent point! If I rely on my knowledge of the craft exclusively, the words lay on the paper like a corpse. Only He can infuse them with life.
Susan :)
Hi Jaime -
I felt the same way when I prepped mine for an agent. (I still haven't heard anything.) Praying for you.
I don't know, but I'm sure enjoying that great stuff you sent. If our paths ever cross at a conference, we'll have to sneak off for a quiet cup of tea. :)
Give the little princess a hug for me.
Hi Rhonda -
I'm with you! Let's stick close to Him. He knows where He's going.
Susan :)
Hi Sarah -
We all have so much in our hearts. Waiting on His direction will give take those experiences and feed others' souls.
Susan :)
Same! :0)
I pray that my words will be an encouragement to others.
That you, Susan. You always inspire me! Today I heard the praise song "Here I am to worship" and the word ruminated with me "in all I do, I honor You". And that I decided would be my theme for this year. Of course, it should be always, but it struck a special cord with me.
I love your prayer! I pray that my writing comes closer to Him too.
Connection is what I try to make my blog, all my interactions, and even my self-study around. Maybe that's why I connect so well with what you have written here, past and present. Your 'music' comes through in your writing. I look forward to reading more and hearing louder as you continue to turn up the volume.
This is a GREAT prayer, Susan! I think I'll adopt this one too, if you don't mind!! Just began a new Bible study today on the Psalms of Ascent. I look forward to drawing nearer to my Heavenly Father this year! God bless you! Hugs & Blessings!
I love your prayer and new year's goal. Susan...mine is similar. I pray for the ability to show more Grace in my dealings with all people and to be as forgiving with others as I have been so generously forgiven.
My goal is to keep the passion for filling more and more of my day with the Lord. I had that recently, and I don't want to lose it.
Praying for a focus and surrrender to God.
Hi Kristen -
Maybe we should remind each other halfway through the year. :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
Yes! I pray my words will uplift others.
Susan :)
Hi Carla -
Thanks for your kind words. I love the song you mentioned - a very good theme for the year. :)
Hi Tyrean -
It's the cry of my heart to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind and my neighbor as myself.
Susan :)
Hi Lynn -
Thank you. I pray the Lord will use my writing voice for His glory and His purposes.
Susan :)
Hi Maria -
I don't mind at all. :)
May we all grow in the faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hi Dolores -
I agree with you! Staying in an attitude of forgiveness brings God's blessings. Bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness are an unholy trio that hinder our prayers.
Susan :)
Hi Nancy -
Great goal! Like you, I desire to have every part of my day infused with His love and Presence.
Susan :)
Hi Jennie -
Thanks for joining in the discussion.
Your prayer reminds me of a song by Dennis Jernigan called, "I Surrender." It always reduces me to a puddle.
Susan :)
What a beautiful prayer, Susan! I will echo that prayer!
It always amazes me how the Lord manages to draw His people closer-and-closer together, even in cyberspace. I'm with you: I want my connections here to be authentic, rich, deep; and so very God-honoring. That way, no matter what I write, it will build from THAT foundation.
Love your heart!
Hi Heather -
Thanks! If my writing doesn't reach people at a heart level, I've failed.
Susan :)
Hi Kathleen -
I feel the same way. Isn't it awe-inspiring how the Lord draws like-minded people together?
Susan :)
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