Not too long ago, I sunk into a woe-is-me attitude. Expenses increased, while no job offers came my way. Little things got blown out of proportion. I knew if I didn't corral those negative thoughts, I'd be in trouble.
I did what I always do when I get like this: I wrote a blessing list and listened to some worship music. By the time I was finished, my heart sang a new tune. I also asked others to pray for me.
Dear friends encouraged me, and one even did some work on my house. When I opened my email that Sunday night, I discovered a submission to a Sunday School take-home paper had been accepted. My heart soared.
I'm grateful that no matter what my circumstances, God reminds me He's still my provider. I see in the Word that He's my banner, my peace, my healer, and my God. He's brought me through the death of loved ones, illness, and financial concerns. I can depend on Him.
What are you thankful for today, large or small?
Thanks for this story, Susan. I'm thankful for so many things this year, especially loving friends.
That was beautiful, Susan. Thank you. I am thankful for my family.
I'm thankful for the way the sun shines on the grass when it sets. The spiderwebs, invisible during the day, shimmer like spun gold in the fading light.
I'm thankful for those seemingly small moments.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful Susan,
I'm so thankful for my husband and kiddos...but there's so much more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Such a wonderful prescription for the blahs, the blues and the blechs!
Today I'm thankful for the Currier & Ives view from my dining room; the snow covered fir trees and mounds of new fallen snow. So beautiful!
That's a wonderful list and I love how you responded after praise and thanksgiving. I'm so glad you got an item accepted. What a joy.
Hi Rosslyn -
You're welcome. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Susan :)
Hi Cindy -
I want a heart like David that always rebounds from discouragement to praising God.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Susan :)
Hi Britt -
How true! We can find so much joy in the small things if we'll open our eyes.
Susan :)
Hi Melanie -
Yes, you had an extra special blessing this year with the birth of your son. May both your little ones grow up as strong men of God.
Susan :)
Hi Kathleen -
Your vantage point is the one I like best when looking at snow: from inside the house!
Susan :)
Hi nancy -
I've found it's a great prescription for beating depression. :)
Yes, He is faithful. He amazes me every day.
I'm thankful for the authority I have in prayer; that I don't have to put up with Satan's junk.
And that I get to see my grandbabies on Wednesday!!!
Happy Thanksgiving and love,
Dear Susan,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Blessing lists always help me, Susan. I post them up for everyone to see, too, like on the fridge or the chalkboard in the living room. Then the whole family can participate.
What a blessing you are Susan! I'm thankful for blog buddies who expand my world.
Susan, I am always amazed that God allows me to partner with Him in His work. He doesn't impatiently brush my little fingers out of the way and say, "Here, let me do it. You're too little to do this job."
That I figure in His eternal purposes makes me shiver in awe.
I'm thanful for my salvation and for God's leading in my life. I'm thankful for my husband and my son. I'm thankful for my friends both in life and online.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Hi Jen -
Woohoo for getting to see grandbabies! Have a wonderful time with your family. :)
Hi Doris -
Happy Thanksgiving!
Susan :)
Hi Carol -
Great idea to post them on the refrigerator! When I write my blessing list, I'm reminded that it is far longer than any items on the negative side.
Susan :)
Hi Lynn -
Thank you for your kind words! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you're fully recovered.
Susan :)
Hi Dena -
I agree. We must seem so clumsy to Him, but He is so patient.
Susan :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
If we never enjoyed another blessing, our salvation would be enough. God is good...all the time!
Susan :)
Four healthy boys who are large AND small, and one faithful husband. No matter how many dirty jeans and dirty dishes pile up, I'm grateful.
Waving and smiling,
When I listen to worship music I am instantly revived. Music is powerful!
I have recently learned that my twin and mother will be moving back home. I am very thankful for family.
Hi Rhonda -
Yeah, they're a lot of work but so worth it. :)
Hi Alisa -
It's wonderful to have family nearby. When my mother moved down here, it meant so much to me.
Susan :)
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