Monday, August 30, 2010

Philly Writers Conference - Part II

Marlene Bagnull's mission is to "Write His Answer." For 27 years, she's directed the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference. Her passion, dedication, and encouragement inspires countless writers to improve their craft and serve the Lord with their talents.

I selected Jeanette Windle's Continuing Session, "Focus on Fiction." Wow! If you ever get an opportunity to hear her teach, grab it. She writes political fiction, and her last novel, "Veiled Freedom," was nominated for a Christy Award.

Workshops I attended:

1) Rick Steele, from AMG, taught on Writing Tight and how to trim flabby writing.

2) Wanda Dyson's workshop on How to Write Gripping Suspense. I missed a chunk of this one because of an appointment.

3) Dr. John Perkins and Steve Lawson taught on Memoir Writing. I still have an interest in non-fiction and appreciated this class.

4) Bonnie Calhoun laced her class on Blogging, Facebook, and Twitter with a generous dose of humor.

5) Mike Dellosso, writer of supernatural suspense, talked about Creating Mood in Your Writing. I get goosebumps thinking about some of his examples.

6) Last, but not least, I signed up for Jesse Florea's (Focus on the Family) workshop on Begin & End With a Bang! He explored various types of leads and their effectiveness.

One thing I like about this conference is the availability of author/editor appointments. Depending on when you register and how many days you attend, you can get up to five 15-minute slots.

We all know how subjective writing evaluations and marketability assessments are, and this year was no exception. I got feedback ranging from: 1) Put this novel aside to 2) Send me the full manuscript. Of course, the last request came during my final appointment. I almost cancelled my meeting, but Clare convinced me to discuss the conflicting advice with the agent. I'm so glad I listened to her. Snoopy dance time!

I learned many lessons at this conference about perseverance and listening with my heart rather than my head. Ah, but that's a post for another day. What spiritual lessons have you learned at a conference?

Next Monday, I'll share some nuggets from the various keynote speakers and workshops.


Jody Hedlund said...

Yay!!! So glad you got a request for a full, Susan! Definitely a snoopy dance time! :-) Sounds like it was a very helpful conference!

Carol J. Alexander said...

Sounds like you have a profitable time! Congrats on the request for your manuscript.

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

I've enjoyed the fellowship of other writers at the conferences I've attended.

There were many workshops, most helpful.

I learned to take every lesson, comment, rejection and encouragement with "a grain of salt" and listen with my heart.

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on being able to submit! Sounds like the conference was not only informative but very productive.
Karen :)

Terri Tiffany said...

Wow--you got a lot of face time in appointments.
I sure hope you hear good feedback!

Jill Kemerer said...

I'm so glad you didn't ditch the final appointment!! Woo-hoo!! How exciting!

I would love to attend another conference soon. They are motivating and informative!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jody -

Thanks! I sure hope he likes it. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Carol -

I'm still digesting everything I learned. This conference resulted in a major breakthrough for me.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Donna -

It took me awhile to learn that lesson, but I nailed it this time. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen -

Thanks! I appreciate everyone's encouragement through this process. I still have a long way to go.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Terri -

Marlene does a great job with her conferences. I highly recommend them. They're large enough to draw authors/editors/agents, but small enough to get individual attention.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jill -

Me too! Yogi Berra (Yankees) once said, "It Ain't Over Until It's Over." So, don't give up in the Ninth Inning of a conference.

Susan :)

patti said...

WOW! Very cool! Praise God for your connections and the interest, Susan.

Five possible appointments; that's A LOT!!!


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Patti -

Since I've only gone to a few Regional conferences and Philly, I had no idea others did not offer as many appointments. I'm blessed to live within commuting distance.

Susan :)

North Jersey Christian Writers Group said...

I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to go next year. You're so right - Marlene does an unbelievable job! I'm looking forward to reading your nuggets.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Susan -

Thanks! I hope a lot of my Blogger pals give Philly a whirl.

Susan :)

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear about your snoopy dance! I haven't attended a conference yet but plan to attend my first next fall. The experiences I read are always positive. I look forward to reading more of yours.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Wonderful news--I'm so happy for you, girl!

I've learned that timing and prayer are key ingredients to contacts at a writers conference.

Nancy said...

So many good classes, plus you got some interviews and a possible bite. Sounds like quite a full and useful conference. I would love to hear any number of those sessions.

Diane said...

How could your brain hold it all in??? I would have been fried by the time it was over. :O)

Lynda Lee Schab said...

Sounds wonderful! Adding my congrats on the full manuscript request. :-)

quietspirit said...

I wish I had some confetti to throw in the air. I am happy you got a good response for your ms.

( I feel that the prodigal son's father threw confetti when he had that party.)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Lynn -

Thanks. :)

What conference will you be attending?


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jeanette -

Definitely! I've also learned to be alert to opportunities and not allow fear to keep me from seizing them.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nancy -

You can check out Marlene's website, "Write His Answer," or contact her via email. The conference CD's are available for purchase.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Diane -

LOL! I take lots of notes. There's no way to remember or absorb everything while you're there.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Linda -

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

It's a waiting game now. Meanwhile, I'll be working on my third manuscript and another project.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Quiet Spirit -

Thanks. I never thought of confetti, but I like the idea.

Susan :)

Unknown said...

I am hopefully going to a writers conference next year. I can't wait! I can't wait to hear about your submission outcome!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Alisa -

I can't wait either, but it should take 3-4 months. :)
