Debbie Roome, over at PixnPens, gives tips on manuscript layout and how to write a synopsis. Have you taken the leap and written a synopsis yet? If so, what helpful hints did you discover along the way?
Don't forget: tomorrow is the last day to enter the drawing for Mary Connealy's book, "Golden Days." Have a great weekend!
I've written a few synopses now and by far Camy Tang's class on it was the most helpful thing! I loved it! Highly recommend her class. ;-)
I've not written a synopsis yet, so I appreciate the links. Thanks! Have a great weekend:)
Hi Jess -
I wrote one for the Genesis Contest. Like everything, it takes practice.
Susan :)
Hi Karen -
I think there's a misconception that a synopsis is a summary of the entire story. How do you condense a 90,000-word book into two pages?
Reading various articles showed me the difference and made the task much easier.
Susan :)
Susan, has anyone told you that the top part of your posts is disappearing? I'm using Firefox, and maybe that has something to do with it. But I like your posts, and I don't want to miss half of each!
I should pop on over and read about the synopsis. I confess that I'm uneducated about them.
Have a great weekend and Mother's Day, Susan!
I definitely need to read Debbi's post. I've written several synopsis', but I sure don't enjoy writing them. A synopsis for me is like vegetables to a kid. Yuck! LOL
hop over to my site and check out today's entry ;)
(I misplaced your email - again!!!)
Larry Brooks article was informative and somewhat scary. I didn't realize that even when you hide things, people can guess the truth. Definately food for thought.
Hi Rosslyn -
Several people have problems because of their browser. Most wait until the next post comes up. Then, they can view the previous one.
I had a problem with this in IE. I was able to change the view to an older browser, and it worked. BTW, I'm totally non-techy, but have lots of techy friends. :)
Hi Schmologna -
It's better to familiarize yourself with a synopsis before you need one. The stress level for getting my manuscript ready for the Genesis Contest almost wiped me out.
Susan :)
Hi Nancy -
People who know you well will pick up on your traits. When I read one of my close friend's books, I could "hear" her speaking. She's a big-time punster, and her character used puns.
Susan :)
Hi Jaime -
I just got home a little while ago. I'll pop over ASAP.
Susan :)
Hi Sharon -
Query letters, synopses, and book proposals all fall into that category for me. The learning curve on them is steep.
Susan :)
Yes, I've written synopses for both of my books, and they are tough to navigate!
Thanks for the links and Happy Mother's Day, Susan!
Hi Jen -
Happy Mother's Day to you and all the moms out there!
Yes, a synopsis is a bear. We writers are not known for our brevity. LOL!
Susan :)
Cool images here! Sigh. I am just finishing up a synopsis. Still not my favorite thing...
Have a great weekend!
Synopsis writing is soooo hard.
Have a great weekend! :-)
Hi Patti -
I thought you were in China. Anyway, it's always nice to see you. :)
Oh no, you mean writing a synopsis doesn't get easier? I hoped with practice I'd be able to tame the monster.
Hi Shannon -
Apparently, synopsis writing gives a lot of people grief. I hope the link gives you some insight.
Susan :)
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