3. You're one of the few writers out there, who have sold their first manuscript. Can you share your experience with us?
It was totally an act of God's providence. I was nominated for a scholarship to a writer's conference by two of my critique partners, headed to Philadelphia with only 85 pages of my novel written, and was disappointed to find I had gotten no appointments with any editors, and only one appointment with an agent - and that was at the very end of the last day of the conference. But that agent - Bill Jensen - really connected with my story and my writing. He asked to represent me and waited patiently as it took another six months for me to finish Home Another Way. Three months after that, I had a three-book deal with Bethany House. So, yes, it's like the "too good to be true" publishing success story. But it's also so clear that the Lord had his hand in it. I can't in any way "boast" - and that has helped to both keep me focused on how He would use my writing for His purposes, and keep me thankful for the gift He's given me.
4. Congratulations on your marriage to Author Chris Coppernoll! What challenges arise with two creative types in the same household? Is there any chance you might collaborate on a book project?
Thanks. I think Chris and I were both taken a bit by surprise regarding God's plan for us! I know I *never* thought, when we briefly met (and I mean, all of three minutes while I was getting a free signed copy of his book) at the International Christian Retailers Show in 2008 that I would even see him again, yet alone marry him. But it has been wonderful and, so far, I can't say there have been any challenges regarding our two writing careers under the same roof. I read his work when he asks and offer advice, if he wants it. He does the same for me. We have two very different writing styles and creative processes, but in that way we can give each other varying perspectives on things. I've turned him on to wearing earplugs. He reminds me to back up my novel frequently (something I'm horrible at remembering to do). Often we'll go to the library together in the afternoons, find two comfy chairs, and write side-by-side. And yes, we have talked about collaborating. I'm not sure quite when that will be yet, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Thanks, Christa, for a dynamite interview!
Here are the rules for entering the giveaway: Leave your email address in the comments, so 1) I know you're entering, and 2) I know how to reach you. No email address = no entry. Due to our laws, the drawing is open to U.S. residents only and is void where prohibited. The winner takes responsibility for his/her eligibility. You can get two entries by commenting on both Part I and Part II of Christa's interview. If you mention that you're a Follower or tell me you've become a Follower, I'll give you one additional entry. No purchase or fee is required to enter this drawing.
The winner will receive a copy of Christa's books, Home Another Way and Watch Over Me. The drawing will be held on Sunday, May 2, 2010, and the winner notified by email. An announcement will appear on the blog.
Please note Christa gave me a copy of Home Another Way when it first came out, and I purchased Watch Over Me. I have not received any remuneration for this interview or recommendation, and will pay the postage out of my pocket.
Don't miss the fun! May begins Happy Blogoversary month here at Christian Writer/Reader Connection.
Enjoyed this interview very much, thanks for sharing it with us!
I'd love to be entered. I am already a follower:)
Hi Karen -
Christa has an interesting story. I'm glad she agreed to the interview.
Susan :)
Her story is quite the string of miracles, isn't it?
Please enter me! I'm a follower and my e-mail is laurels (dot) leaves (at) gmail (dot) com.
My word verification is Esther! Another great story of God's delivery. How cool is that?
Hi Laurel -
Yes, it's not your average writer journey. :)
Eeek! Two authors in the same house? That has to be awesome. I think I'd melt if my hubby stepped foot in a library. LOL
What a wonderful publication story. Thanks for sharing it! And of course I want to be entered. :-)
jessica_nelson7590 AT yahoo dot com
Wow, I loved reading about Christa's divine appointment. Our God is such a great God!
Hi Jessica -
At least he understands the dynamics of publication. It certainly gives them a common interest. :)
Hi Patti -
Christa enjoyed one miracle after another, both in her professional and personal life. :)
Great interview! And what an amazing publishing story.
Please enter me,and i'm a follower:)
kristengjohnson [at] gmail [dot] com
Hi Kristen -
Thanks for stopping by and entering the drawing. Glad you enjoyed the interview.
Susan :)
Great interview, you two! I loved the question about her marriage to a writer, and how that worked.
We need these Cinderella type stories to encourage us that they do happen from time to time!
Please enter my name in the drawing.
I am a follower, too! Thanks, Susan, for hosting this.
Wow, I cant imagine having two authors in the house! Great interview. Count me in.
Hi Jen -
I like your term, "Cinderella story." Christa a sweet person, and I'm so happy for her. :)
Hi Jan -
I know. Can you imagine if they're both on deadline at the same time?
Susan :)
These were some excellent questions! I almost starting tearing up reading how she sold her first manuscript! God was certainly involved!!!
Great interview, Susan! I love how Christa met her husband. I wonder what they will write together.
Hi Alisa -
Thanks for commenting and entering the drawing. Interviewing Christa was a real treat for me.
Susan :)
Hi Janalyn -
Wasn't it romantic?
Susan :)
Great interview! I'd love to be entered in the drawing. I'm a follower.
shollaway2008 (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Susan -
Thanks for stopping by and entering the drawing. :)
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