2. Formerly, you wrote for the general market. Other than the obvious restrictions of language and sensuality, what are some of the differences between ABA and CBA?
For me, the biggest difference between ABA and CBA is that, as an author of Christian fiction, I have permission to share my faith without fear of offense, which sometimes required extensive editing of my books (30,000 words slashed from one of my medievals that was deemed "too preachy."). Thus, I have the opportunity to give my readers more than just a romance. I can give them a life-changing message.
Another notable difference is my working relationship with agents and editors. Overall, it's been a refreshing experience. Not only do they make me feel as if I'm a person first, but they pray for me. I truly believe I'm where God wants me to be.
3. I'm naturally a SOTP writer, struggling to learn how to plot. What's your preferred method: SOTP or Plotter? Do you have any advice for those of us, who are tired of plot holes and massive edits?
If you had asked me that question a couple of years ago, I would have declared that I'm a Seat-of-the-Pants writer to the max. However, I've been working on finding a middle place to go with my middle age that likes to mess with my concentration. This means that, as much as I dislike outlining, I discipline myself to work out on paper the major and sometimes minor elements of my story before I completely immerse myself in writing the story.
Perhaps of interest is that this new discipline hasn't helped to the extent I'm able to write a book in less time, but my direction is clearer, and I believe the story is better for it. So, my advice: if you're a SOTP writer, embrace that part of you, but be open to plotting, especially if your writing suffers from plot holes and requires so much editing it takes your breath away. You don't have to commit months and reams of paper to outlining. Just start small, pushing your imagination to the next big scene and the one after that... Also, you should check out Randy Ingermanson's "Snowflake Pro" software program. It holds your hand throughout the entire process.
Thanks for a great interview, Tamara. As a reminder to all of our readers, I'm giving away Tamara's book, "Leaving Carolina." The drawing is open to residents of the U.S. only and is void where prohibited by law. Please leave a comment, along with your email address in the spam-busting format. Example: susanjreinhardt (at) ____ (dot) com. The winner will be drawn on Sunday, March 7, 2010, and notified by email, as well as announced on the blog.
I enjoyed this interview. I'd love to be entered in the drawing for Tamara's book.
I'm new to your blog and enjoyed your comments and interview with Tamara Leigh. I would love to read her book, please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!
Great advice from Tamara! I'm SOTP too but the one time I wrote a short synopsis first, my manuscript was much stronger plot-wise.
Thank you!
I see that I am first to sign. Please enter me in the drawing. I haven't read any of Tamara's books yet and have been wanting to.
I'm a SOTP writer too and like Tamara I'm learning to plot. Thank you, Tamara, for sharing a little of your writing journey with us today. And thank you, Susan, for another great interview.
Hi Susan. I've had a little trouble commenting this morning but it was with a different blog. Hope this one comes through!
Once again, I enjoyed reading Ms. Leigh's interview. I am a SOTP writer but have recently thought I should start making rough outlines to keep me on track.
We shall see!
May you have a joyful day!
Tamara, I didn't realize you'd written for both ABA and CBA! Cool to learn more about a wonderful writer!
Thanks, Susan!
Interesting interview! I write Christian romances and found it freeing to be able to write my faith. Thanks for sharing with us!
Part Two was just as good as Part One! Thanks to both of you for sharing this:)
P.S. The drawing sounds wonderful. Would love to be entered.
I would LOVE to read this book, it looks likes such fun!
Thanks for the chance. :)
I heard that book was great!
Thanks for the interview, Susan!
Hi Susan -
Thanks for entering the drawing. Glad you enjoyed the interview.
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
I think I'll be a combination pantser/plotter at best. Plotting is a struggle for me even with a great tool like the Snowflake.
Susan :)
Hi Karen -
Tamara did a great job. I appreciate her willingness to do the interview.
Thanks for entering the drawing.
Susan :)
Hi Casey -
Thanks for commenting and entering the drawing. I hope you'll visit often. :)
The cover on this book is so cute, and reflects the story well.
Hi Kristen -
I liked the book a lot. Thanks for entering.
Susan :)
Hi Sandee61 -
Welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway.
I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Occasionally, I'll throw in an extra post. Hope to see you again. :)
Hi Jo -
Welcome to my blog and thanks for entering the drawing. If you comment on the post for Part I of the interview, you'll get another entry. Check out the post dated 2/24/10.
I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Hope to see you again soon. :)
Hi Sharon -
I guess there are a lot of us SOTP writers. Tamara and I enjoyed putting this interview together.
Thanks for stopping by. Did you want to enter the giveaway?
Susan :)
Hi Schmologna -
Your comment came through with no problems. Keep track of the blogs where you're having difficulty, and then email me. Maybe I can help. :)
Hi Patti -
Thanks for your comments. Did you want to enter the giveaway? I'll need your email address.
Susan :)
Thank you for the interview, Susan! Wishing your readers and my fellow writers all the best God has for them.
Thank you for the interview, Susan! Wishing your readers and my fellow writers all the best God has for them.
Hi Jill -
I also like the freedom to share my faith.
Did you want to enter the giveaway? Please let me know. :)
Hi Tamara -
Thanks for stopping by. As you can see, your interview and the giveaway are a big hit. :)
I can imagine how refreshing it must be to have your publisher pray for you and am glad that Tamara is being blessed by the Christian market. Thank you so much for the chance to win her book.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Hi Carole -
I've entered your name in the drawing again. :)
Enjoyed the interview and would love to be entered in the drawing for her book. Thank you!
Thanks for the interview. I love to hear different writers' perspectives!
BTW - I am doing well! Thanks for your comment. I just took a five day breather from writing, but I'm back! Thanks for being an awesome bloggy friend ;-)
Interesing interview. I'll agree, plotting isn't always easy, but I've found it made things a lot easier in the end.
Hi Cherie -
Welcome to my blog, and thanks for entering the drawing.
I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I hope you visit again.
Susan :)
I love Tamara's books. She is so talented. I am so glad we have been blessed with her gift.
Please enter me in the drawing. I have not been able to purchase this book yet. Thank you so much!
Hi Alisa -
Whew! Glad you're okay. :)
Did you want to enter the giveaway?
Hi Emily Ann -
I did some plotting for my current WIP. When I wing it, I know the beginning and end, but not the middle. We'll see how it works out.
Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway.
Susan :)
Hi Deborah -
Welcome to my blog, and thanks for entering the drawing.
If you want another chance to win, pop over to Part I of the interview (2/24/10) and comment there.
Susan :)
Thank goodness my commenting works in time for your give-away! Nice interview. mzzlily(at)live(dot)com
I was logged in before... it just kept logging me off every time I went to comment. I would select my google profile and then it would eat the comment. Hopefully, it doesn't eat this one!
Hi Lily -
Your comment came through with no problem. :)
Have a great day.
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