1. This year, I went into blog improvement mode. Author interviews now share space with book recommendations on Wednesdays. I'm following more blogs to bring you the best links, and improved the pictures accompanying blog posts. Christian Writer/Reader Connection celebrated its first blogoversary with a huge online party, complete with book drawings and special author interviews.
2. I took the plunge, wrote a short fiction story, and submitted it to a national periodical. While it garnered a rejection, I got some terrific feedback from the editor.
3. Two devotionals were published, while a third is scheduled to run the beginning of 2010.
4. Book 1 went through a partial edit.
5. Much to everyone's surprise (including mine), Book 2 was written in a 9-week timeframe.
6. Thanks to my friend, Miriam, Facebook captured my attention. What a joy to meet so many authors and pre-published writers! I also reconnected with old friends and family.
7. Currently, I'm writing blog posts as fast as I can type and mulling over Book 3 in my mind.
Did I accomplish all of my goals? Well, I didn't set up a website. An agent? Uh, not yet. All in all, I learned a lot and made progress.
How about you? Did you meet your 2009 New Year's Writing Resolutions?
Sounds like a great year!!!
No, I didn't... this time last year I was just estatic to have finished book #5, ready to edit it, and wanted to send it out by spring. I did do that and learned a lot by it!
Hi Kristen -
It was a great year. Looking back and evaluating helps me stay thankful and focused.
Wow! You've finished five books? That's awesome. May the Lord bless your efforts in 2010. :)
Happy New Year,
I spent the weekend reflecting over my list of goals for the past year. Great minds must think alike. LOL.
And, no, I didn't get them all done. But having a list kept me focused on where I wanted to go. I've also learned what to realistically put on next year's list - write one new book, polish this year's book (again) and get it into circulation, build my blog, continue to grow as a writer, etc.
I like looking back but only to see how far I've come. Especially on those days when I think I'm just spinning my wheels and not making any progress.
You've accomplished quite a lot, Susan, congrats! I cannot say that I reached all my goals for 2009, but plan to focus ahead and do better this year. I did begin blogging and have met so many wonderful friends.
On to 2010! This year might bring something novel:)
Wow, you accomplished a lot, Susan! I'm proud of you, and God for all He's doing in and through you.
I fulfilled my goals for 2009, and then some. I shake my head in amazement at what God can do when we say, "Help me! I cannot do this alone. I am nothing without you."
Loving you; believing in your gifts,
Audience of ONE
Hi Candee -
Yes, having written goals and accomplishments provides encouragement during those difficult times. When we're realistic about what we want to get done, we set ourselves up for success.
Susan :)
Hi Karen -
I love your play on words. :)
You've done a fabulous job entering the blogging scene. I'm sure 2010 will bring much growth.
Hi Jen -
I can't wait to see how 2010 turns out for you! That book must be published. May the Lord give it favor with all who read it.
Susan :)
You've gotten alot accomplished this year! Congratulations!
I didn't meet all my goals this year, but I did finish my first novel this summer and that felt wonderful. Now if I could just get the thing edited! lol
My goals for 2009 were some basic ones.
Find some outlets for my writing. DIDN'T MEET.
Attend a writer's workshop. YES,I MET IT.
Do a newsletter, actually two of them for a nonprofit ministry.YES, I DID IT.
Work in Drama Ministry at Church. YES, I DID It.
Enter some writing contests. I entered three.
Hi Sherrinda -
Thanks. Some goals involve other people. Getting an agent, a publisher, or getting into an anthology are prime examples. Finishing your book was an enormous accomplishment.
I make sure I include goals that I have a good shot at finishing. Even if a few of them don't pan out, I can still point to the successes.
Susan :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
You met quite a few of your goals. I was particularly impressed by your contest entries. I still haven't done much of anything in that area.
Susan :)
Yes, I have a blog-- it's www.marybethwhalen.com
Hi MaryBeth -
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'll pop over to your blog. :)
What an inspiration to those waiting in the wings with words yet un-written (or unpublished). There's something about dreaming & planning, even putting one's goals out there for all to see. We tend to move towards that which has captivated us.
Thank you for your wisdom & resources. What a fun site to gather up ponderings!
Hi Kathleen -
Thanks for visiting and commenting. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
I've found that writing down goals helps keep me focused. Otherwise, I tend to bounce from one project to another without finishing anything.
Susan :)
No, I didn't meet all of my goals. I didn't get an agent, but I submitted to a few, so that was a good step. I didn't finish my book.:(
But I did get two things published this year; a devotion in The Secret Place, and a greeting card with Dayspring. So it's a step in the right direction. This next year I will be armed with everything I learned in 2009 to help me!:)
Thanks Susan.
Good job! Look like you got a lot done. Praying abundance for the upcoming 2010. :O)
Hi Kristen -
Very cool! Jerry B. Jenkins encourages writers to build up writing credits/clips before diving into a novel. It's good practice. It also shows a publisher you can meet deadlines, and your work has been accepted.
May 2010 be even better for you. :)
Hi Diane -
Thanks. By God's grace and lots of hard work, I hope next year will see more progress.
Susan :)
I had no writing goals, so I didn't need to worry about reaching them. It sounds like you did remarkably well on your first year. I am thrilled that I am blogging, something my family would be surprised at. I also started Facebook and am learning to enjoy it.
Hi Nancy -
I've been blogging since May 2008. Facebook is a relatively new experience. I've only been on it for about 6 months. All in all, I'm happy with 2009.
I hope 2010 is a great year for you in every respect. :)
Thanks, Susan and Destrella, for your encouragement. I have to keep reminding myself it's a journey and a process, and not a quick one!! Lots to learn and lots to do.
May God bless His writers this next year! And may we all work to be worthy of the call!!:)
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Good for you and your accomplishments, Susan. I hoped to have my current WIP wrapped up and ready to submit before year end, and I didn't quite make it. With my day job kicking in to high gear next week, it will probably be spring before I'm done and that's okay.
Happy New Year!
Hi Kristen -
Yes, it is a journey. What a privilege we have to minister through our words!
Susan :)
Hi Heather -
When I started my first manuscript, I had no clue I'd still be editing four years down the road.
I've now decided to write the third manuscript before continuing the editing process. This way, I'll have an overall view of the series from start to finish.
Susan :)
Hi, Susan.
Thank you for your wonderful blog. It always inspires me. One of my 2009 writing goals was to become more familiar with writers and writing via social media. I met that goal. I started two blogs and got active on Twitter and Facebook. I learn a lot from the posts I read, and I've met some amazing people -- like you!
Wishing you all the best in 2010.
Hi Jean -
What a nice thing to say! Thank you. I've been the recipient of much help and encouragement. I try to pass it along to those I meet.
I love both of your blogs and link to them on occasion. I'm looking forward to reading more great posts in 2010.
Susan :)
You have done a great job this year with your writing! I hope next year is even better for you:)
I wrote book number three this past year and actually queried it out there. Book #2 is sitting on a publisher's desk and waiting on an agent with #3. Hoping both rejections don't come the same time!! Happy New Year!
Hi Terri -
Thanks. You're doing terrific! My first two books still need editing, but I'm getting excited about starting book 3. :)
Susan, congratulations on accomplishing so much in 2009! My goodness, girl, I now feel like a slacker. :-)
Hi Sharon -
You, a slacker? No way! With a beautiful blog and a book written, 2010 is looking good.
Happy New Year,
Susan :)
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