Susan Panzica, over at
Eternity Cafe, asked me to announce a series she's doing on her blog called, "40-Day Focus." During this Christmas season, it's easy to get wrapped up in the preparations and forget the essential truth of Jesus' birth.
Susan asks, "How will your next 40 days be spent? Blessed...or stressed?"
Take a break from the holiday craziness, and read her inspiring posts.
Definitely blessed. I'm not one to let myself get stressed if I can help it. LOL
Will go check out that post.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :-)
Thank you so much for this announcement! Looking forward to your guest post, my friend!
Thank you, friend, for sharing the link to Susan P's blog. I believe I will feel blessed this next month. If I should feel stressed it won't be because of the preparations for Christ's birthday.
Thanks for the suggestion. Susan P's blog is very nice!
P.S. I've now figured out a way to read you post(since the top part gets cut off for me. I copy it and paste it into wordpad and then I can see the whole thing. :) I don't mind as I enjoy visiting!
Hi Jess -
We enjoyed Thanksgiving. What a blessing to be with our friends!
Susan :)
Hi Susan -
You're welcome. Did you receive the post? I emailed it last Wednesday.
Susan :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
I hope you're not stressed on any account. Susan's doing a lot of posts this month. She's an excellent devotional writer. :)
Hi Carla -
I'm glad you enjoyed Susan's blog. And...I'm glad you figured out a way to view my entire post. :)
Thank you for pointing me toward Susan's blog. I enjoyed reading it. We all need to be reminded to feel blessed and not stressed at this time of year.
Blessings to you, my friend!
Hi Jean -
You're welcome. It's easy to get caught up in the hubbub of shopping, decorating, baking, and cooking and forget the true meaning of Christmas.
I, for one, desire to keep the focus on Jesus.
Susan :)
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