Nettie Fudge, over at Write For The Journey, gives advice on what to do if you're struggling with your calling as a writer.
Molly Noble Bull, at Writer's Rest, advises us to get to the point when writing a synopsis.
Have a blessed weekend!
Thanks for those links, Susan! Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh, I love the name Nettie Fudge!!!
My grandmother was Antionette, and everyone called her Nettie. And the Fudge part explains itself. Yummers!
I must go to Nettie's blog and check out this post. Thanks for all the research you do on our behalf, Susan. You are one diligent woman.
I haven't visited any of those places! THanks for the links. :-) I'm going to try to check them out later.
Thanks for the links! You have a great weekend, too!
Thanks for the tips, Susan. I'll check them out!
Hi Jill -
You're welcome. Enjoy!
Susan :)
Hi Cindy -
Welcome back from your unplugged week! I hope you find the links helpful.
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
I'm always looking for great blogs. :)
Hi Jen -
I don't know if that's her real name or a pseudonym. It's certainly a memorable name. :)
We're blessed to have so many awesome Christian writer blogs out there. Facebook has added to my many connections.
Hi Jody -
You're welcome. Sorry it took so long to moderate these comments. I was out and about all day. :)
I need to go over to mary noble bull's site as I am struggling with synopsis writing now!
Hi Terri -
Writing a synopsis is a challenge. Note the link covers only one aspect of a synopsis to help you get through the process.
Susan :)
I sure need improvement on writing dialogue. Thanks for giving these tips. Thanks for the tip to "get to the point" when writing a synopsis. Have a blessed weekend.
Hi Brenda -
Thanks for commenting.
I attended Christa's workshop on secondary characters at the Philly conference. She's an excellent teacher. Her second novel is coming out soon.
Susan :)
Hope you have a great weekend. Many Blessings,
Hi Country Mom -
Welcome to my blog, and thanks for commenting! I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Have a great weekend!
Susan :)
Hmmm... Guess it's just my connection. I couldn't read this blog until I went to the comments page and clicked show original post. Is anyone else having problems viewing your top post? On my screen, the post starts with "For The Journey... Above that is blank.
Anyway, thanks for the links.
Hi Lily -
Sorry you had a problem. One or two people mentioned they couldn't see the top of my blog. Sigh.
I think it's a browser problem. Guess I'll have to change over to Firefox one of these days.
Susan :)
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