Now, I'm supposed to tell you five interesting things about me that you may not know. Here goes:
1. The "J" in my name stands for, "Joyce." I almost became Joyce Ann, but the lady in the next bed gave her baby that name. Mom didn't want to be a copycat, so I became Susan Joyce.
2. I can't even look at Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. During Beloved's hospital stays and doctor appointments, I brought PBJ's with me because they were fast, cheap, and portable. Every time I see one, it reminds me of those rough times.
3. The first time I attended a writers conference, an editor asked me to do a devotional. I've been writing them ever since.
4. It's a good thing I don't have cable TV. I'm a huge Home and Garden TV (HGTV) fan. Antiquing, home decorating, crafts, gardening are all favorite pastimes. I'd be tempted to spend too much time watching that channel.
5. While I enjoy reading historicals in the Regency period, Jane Austen makes me gag. Please do not write me nasty letters.
Okay, now I get to pass this award along to five bloggers.
1. Christina Berry, at Posting With Purpose, shares her life and her writing journey. We've "known" each other for a couple of years. Her generous heart and steadfast friendship mean so much to me.
2. Rita Gerlach, InSpire, shares the behind-the-scenes stuff we all want to know about. I'm thankful for her support of Christian writers, me in particular. :)
3. Terri Tiffany, not only writes stories that leave an imprint on the heart, but also blog posts. Transparent and warm, she makes you feel like you've dropped in for a friendly chat.
4. Karen Lange, at Write Now, always has a thought-provoking post, a book review, or a bit of wisdom for writers. I've turned to her many times for advice, and I'm proud to call her, "friend."
5. Jaime at, The Jaime Reports, makes me laugh with her quirky humor and wonderful graphics. Keep doling out that medicine, Jaime. You keep the rest of us from getting too serious for our own good.
There were at least a dozen others, who deserve this award. Check out my blogroll, and you'll find them. :)
You are such an inspiration, Susan. Your faithfulness and commitment to blogging shine through with every post. Thanks for the honor. Coming from such a lady, it surely means a lot!
Congrats on your award, Susan! I enjoyed getting to know you a little bit better!
Congrats on the award Susan! :-) Interesting facts about yourself.
That's funny about Austen. LOL!
Thank you Susan Joyce! I am honored, flattered, and blessed. You are a treasure:)
Lol about Jane Austen. I love Jane Austen but I promise not to send you mean letters.
I was fun to learn more about you, Susan. Congratulations on the award and congratulations to the others :)
Thanks, Susan. I appreciate all the support you give to Christian writers.
Hi Rita -
You're welcome. I've learned so much from your blog and Steppingstones Magazine. Thanks for all the hard work you put into them.
Susan :)
Hi Christina -
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the many times you've come to my rescue when I was stuck on a problem.
I appreciate your friendship.
Susan :)
Hi Cindy -
Maybe I just have bad memories from being forced to read Jane Austen in school. One of these days I'll pick up Pride and Prejudice again. Perhaps my opinion will change. :)
The problem with these awards is I want to give them to all my favorite bloggers. I show my appreciation by supporting all of you as much as possible.
Susan :)
Hi Karen -
You're welcome! Thanks for switching to this type of commenting format. I'm thrilled that I can now comment on your blog.
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
I'm glad you guys aren't holding the Austen thing against me. LOL! Maybe someday you'll convince me to pick up one of her books again.
Susan :)
Hi Jody -
Thank you! I appreciate your faithfulness to read and comment here. It's fun getting to know all of you better.
Lindt Dark Chocolate Truffles. Yum.
Susan :)
Thank you for your sweet words to me! I really think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me:))
Hi Terri -
You're welcome. I hope we get to meet someday. :)
Susan: You are so welcome! You are reaping some of the goodness you've sown into others' lives.
Awesome looking Blog, Susan. And any friend of Crystal Miller's is a friend of mine. :)
Hi Christine -
Welcome to my blog! I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Wednesday, my interview with Jane Fitzpatrick continues. Hope you'll stop by. :)
Thanks for the compliment. Crystal is a good "blogger friend." We've never met in person, but we hit it off.
Hi Jen -
I'm so glad we "met." Thanks for always being an encourager. :)
Congratulations. You are always inspiring.
Hi Quiet Spirit -
Thank you. :) It's only by His grace that these posts reach the heart.
Susan Joyce Reinhardt, I can't believe you don't like Jane Austen. :-) Now that was a shocker for me. My heart might have stopped. LOL.
Congrates on the award, my dear. Your blog is awesome!
Hi Sharon -
LOL! It's the truth. If y'all keep prodding me, I might go to the library and check out Pride and Prejudice. Is there another JA that might be more palatable? Somehow I feel like Fonzie trying to eat liver.
Thanks for the good wishes and compliment. BTW, I wanted you on my blogroll, but Blogger seems to take a dim view of allowing Wordpress blogs. :(
Reheheeaaaly? Wow. I am honored to be crowned QUIRKY! I LOVE QUIRKY! :) Thanks, Susan. You are a dear prayer and friend. Smiles! :)
Hi Jaime -
Really! I'm sure glad you like, "Quirky."
Praying for you,
Susan :)
So glad I am finally able to post on your blog, Susan. An earlier attempt resulted in failure for a reason I never figured out. In any case, it's good to be here.
Many blessings on your inspiring site!
Hi MaryAnn -
Yay! I'm glad you were able to post. If you have a pop-up blocker, you generally need to hit the control button while double-clicking on the comment link.
I've never been able to post on the other comment format. I wish someone out there would enlighten me on the procedure.
Susan :)
Congratulations Susan! I like your #3! Can't wait to meet you on Thursday (at 6 AM)!
Blessings, Leslie
Hi Leslie -
LOL! I had to go back and see what #3 was!
I brought a couple of writing samples to the conference, and the editor asked if I would do a devotional for her ezine. It lead to many more for that publication, and was my first paid writing gig.
See you Thursday. :)
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