The patience and counsel of several people finally melted the iceberg like the blazing sun. Little cracks widened into deep fissures, and the jam broke. Finally, I saw the problem from God's point of view. I asked forgiveness for trying to work things out in my own way and in my own strength, and then asked for His wisdom.
I already knew the answer, but didn't like it. Have you ever been in that situation? You see I thought I knew what results that particular decision would bring. When I came into agreement with His plan, He gave me the right words, and the problem was solved.
As a writer, I sometimes run into the dreaded writer's block. It's often triggered by a plot hole or some other technical difficulty. I over analyze, run to the Internet or blogs for answers, which feeds the worry beast.
A first reader pointed out an area that troubled her. I got bummed out, wanted to quit, thought the whole book was garbage, and couldn't write a sentence. As I prayed, the Lord gave me an idea. With a few words, the problem disappeared.
When I'm stuck in writer's block, I stop looking at things from my perspective or the perspectives of my characters and look at it from God's perspective.
Great reminder that we need to turn to our Ultimate source of inspiration when we're facing writers block!
Hi Jody -
Picking up the phone or jumping on the computer is often our first thought when we're stuck in manuscript mud. I've had to consciously train my mind to seek Him first.
Thanks for stopping by.
Susan :)
Oh how many times have I hit the wall trying to do things my way and in a hurry and not stopped and waited for His direction whether in life's decisions or my writing!
And when He answers, it's always a blessing!
That's so funny, but my pastor, at the end of his sermon yesterday, mentioned how we tend to run into a problem and immediately we strategize, talk to others, worry, talk to others... LOL When the whole time, God's just waiting for us to ask Him for help, or for advice, or whatever.
It makes me really want to ask him where he wants my writing to go, and how I can write a book that He'd be proud of.
I'm glad things worked out for you. :-)
Thanks for the wonderful reminder! When I'm working on a story I sometimes get so caught up in my own world I completely forget God has anything to do with it. It sounds bad, I know, but it happens. I'm trying to learn to look to Him for answers even before I have problems. Answers and guidance with the big things and the small things. I am glad to hear you're working through this!
Thanks, Susan! Have wrestled with things like this too, and trusting God each time to make this work in progress (me:) into what it needs to be.
I love your insight and how you always lead us back to what and who really counts in this crazy process.
I have noticed that part of the top of your post never comes through???
Hi Donna -
I'm always amazed at the simplicity of His answers. We tend to over complicate things.
Thanks for your comments. :)
Hi Terri -
It might be a browser problem. I'm on Microsoft Internet Explorer 2003(I think).
Techy stuff sends shivers down my spine. Anyone out there who can solve this problem?
Susan :)
Hi Karen -
It's finally getting through my thick head that being at peace is a lot nicer than worrying. :)
I remember a quote from someone living through the bombings in England during WWII. When questioned, they said why should they lose sleep when God was awake.
Susan :)
Hi Cindy -
You brought up an excellent point. Pray BEFORE you hit problems. An ounce of prevention and all that good stuff...
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
Hmm, do you think maybe the Lord is trying to get a message across here. :) One of my frequent prayers is: "Lord, what's on Your heart today?"
Susan :)
Oh, how true this is! I have to constantly remind myself to just "Let Go and Let God". I always want to solve things myself, but if I let myself relax and pray about it, things are so much easier:)
Hi Kara -
Welcome to my blog, and thanks for joining in the discussion. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
We're all taught to solve problems, do it ourselves, and be independent from toddlerhood. While there's nothing wrong with being capable, we can carry it to the extreme. There are situations and problems only the Lord can solve.
Thanks again.
Susan :)
I like your blog. When I am writing fiction and I get writers bloc, I just start writing anything. That means I have to go back and get rid of a lot of junk, but it gets me going. Of course, I like to start the session with prayer, so I agree with your solution completely.
Hi Nancy -
Thank you! Sorry I didn't get this comment moderated sooner. For some unknown reason, it never arrived in my email inbox.
Susan :)
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