Another delight are the Black-Eyed Susies that sprang up from last year's batch. The plant has at least eight buds ready to burst open any day. To take a cue from a commercial, "what's in your garden?"
I'm sure a lot of you read Jody Hedlund's blog. In case you missed it, she's doing posts on book proposals. I love the way she's boiled everything down to the essentials. Sometimes I find how-to books like technical manuals: hard to understand and confusing. This is a ready-reference version. Thanks, Jody. :)
Have a great weekend!
I appreciate Jody's version too.
:-) Begonias look very pretty. Thanks for posting a pic. We have a vegetable garden right now and it's kind of fun, getting in there and weeding and picking stuff. :-)
Thanks, Susan, for mentioning my proposal series! And I just love my flowers too, but actually have to admit that I handed the reins over to my daughters this year. They planted them and are watering and caring for them! And so now they're enjoying the process and I simply get to enjoy the beauty!
Love the abundance of blooms and colors of begonias!
Been following Jodi and she's done a great job presenting the info on getting published.
Hi Jess -
The picture isn't from my garden. Unfortunately, I don't have one of those nifty digital cameras yet.
Oh, I love growing veggies! Unfortunately, the time crunch made it impossible this year. My favorites are tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. What did you plant?
Susan :)
Hi Donna -
I follow Jody's blog also. She does a great job. I hope others will pop over and enjoy her many excellent articles.
Susan :)
Hi Jody -
You're welcome.
Wow! You're blessed to have someone doing the grunt work. The bending is tough for me.
Have a great weekend!
Susan :)
My husband does most of the gardening, but I told him what I wanted. :-) Corn, tons of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini, and chives. Oh, and watermelons. :-) I just go in there, look around, pull some weeds, but he does all the planting and he does an awesome job. I think he planted peppers too...
Hi Jess -
Yummy! There's nothing like produce straight from your own garden.
Susan :)
I love reading about Jody's process and have learned a lot!
thank you for asking about the ladies group.I was pretty nervous but it was really nice. I asked questions like who encourages you the most, how, and how do you do it, and what was the best day in the past five years, the worst, what is your passion . . .
Hi Terri -
Thanks! Great questions...definitely not the "yes-no" variety.
Susan :)
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