Thanks to scheduling posts, blogging stress levels diminished. Unfortunately, I dropped the ball last week. When writing my blog, I didn't have all the information needed for the Friday Round-Up. I reasoned, "I can do it throughout the week." As it often does, life happened. Good things, not so good things, unexpected things all crowded in, and the post went right out of my head. When I tried to pick up the stitch on Friday at 11:00 A.M., the one link I had refused to work.
As a writer, I'm learning the importance of consistency. Blogging three times a week for the last 11 months provided discipline and a sense of satisfaction. So, has my blog been ruined because I missed a post? Of course not, but I do have to get back on track and re-establish my normal patterns.
Have you ever missed a post? How did you handle it?
Hi Susan,
What's nice now, is that I have all of my followers blog tidbits listed on the side of my blog and on my dashboard. So whenever anyone posts a blog I can immediately see! So I can keep on top of what everyone is doing! It's great!
I posted the next day. :-) But mine aren't orderly like yours. I could post about whatever, even my failure to post. Which is what you did and it was totally fine.
I never knew what that saying meant before.
I miss posts all the time. In fact--I try to post Mon-Fri but sometimes it comes out Sunday and then I skip Monday. Life happens and I do my best to be consistent.You do great!
Hi Terri -
Thanks. I felt so bad about missing Friday's post.
Have a great day!
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
It's an old saying. With hand stitching not as common today, I'm not surprised the meaning is getting lost.
Your posts are interesting and get everyone thinking. BTW, I started Brandilyn's book. :)
Hi Jody -
I've seen that on many blogs. I don't have that feature because with all the links on my blogroll it would take too much space.
I like the Following widget. If I'm pressed for time, I can scan what's happening on my Blogger Dashboard and quickly access blogs. Most of the time, I use my own blogroll or Favorites to keep track of everyone.
Susan :)
I've missed posts. I usually dont' let it bother me too much. :)
Hi Jaime -
Whew! I'm sure glad I'm not alone. Thanks for the encouragement.
Susan :)
While I understand the need for consistency, if you miss one day you can make it up or just skip over it.
Last week, I wanted to post something for Easter. So, last week, I posted Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.
I spent time yesterday afternoon and last night at a wound center seeing about hubby's sister. We went back today. I wasn't sure if I would feel like posting anything when we arrived home. But, I have been able to.
Consistency is a good quality. But, there will be times when we actually can't follow through.
As far as I am concerns, the answer to your first question is resounding yes, but occasionally. I do believe that discipline and habit make one distinct from the rests. There an old saying 'habit die hard" so I always try my best to avoid it from happening to me.
I do not expect perfection and I do try my best effort basis to improve and rectify it.
You too have a wonderful day,
God bless you all.
Hi James -
Thanks for your thoughts. Cultivating good habits is essential to standing out from the crowd.
Susan :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
There are times when life interrupts the normal flow of our schedules. Six months prior to the start of this blog, I broke my elbow. I was unable to type for months. The blog would have gone on a long hiatus.
I like the idea of making up a missed post. I feel a strong responsibility to those who stop by here on a regular basis. Please know I'll always do my best to blog consistently and keep you informed of problems.
Susan :)
i initialyl missed posts a lot...but no one was reading anyway. :) now, i really do strive to post 5 days a week, esp. on tuesdays and thursdays, as people seem to enjoy the therapeutic outlook i bring their stories. but it means staying up late on monday night to do sometimes!
You know what I just thought of? YOu can post backwards. LOL Just set the date for when it was supposed to post and then there it will be, fooling us all. Heeeheeee.
Hi Jess -
Too funny! LOL!
Susan :)
Hi Jeannie -
Welcome to my blog! I post here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
You might want to try writing your posts in advance and scheduling them. It saves a LOT of stress.
If you need directions, give me a shout at susanjreinhardt at gmail dot com.
Susan :)
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