Monday, March 9, 2009


No, I'm not talking about the popular TV series. CSI stands for, "Connection-Stability-Internal." According to Tamara Lowe's quiz, this is my Motivational DNA (trademark).

Who is Tamara Lowe? She's a successful motivational speaker and author. Not only that, she's a Christian. She's shared the stage with 4 presidents, sports stars, and numerous celebrities. BTW, all proceeds from her book are going to children's charities.

She helps people discover what motivates them, de-motivates them, and how to capitalize on those areas. In all aspects of life, this information can be a valuable tool.

My CSI motivators: Facts and information, peer respect, sincere appreciation, private recognition, specific positive feedback, an inspiring work environment, co-workers they enjoy, clearly defined objectives, a sense of accomplishment, and time to reflect and plan.

Pop over to her website and see what motivates you. I hope you'll comment on the results of your quiz and what you think of her ideas.


Jessica Nelson said...

I'm definitely going to stop by her site later. What an interesting thing!
Thanks for the link, Susan. :-)

Terri Tiffany said...

I will head there now! Thanks!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jess -

I think you'll find it valuable.

She's on the Bestseller List and well-known in the business world. Her own story is amazing. Her book is going on my Wish List.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Terri -

Have fun!

Susan :)

Jessica Nelson said...

Wow. Pretty interesting. I'm a supporter, and most of the stuff was pretty accurate about me. Neat. :-)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jess -

I thought you'd find this quiz different. Like you, the test pinpointed my motivators almost perfectly.

Susan :)