Friday, October 14, 2016

Quick Lesson/Platform/Christian Athletes/Fun Story/Tackling Tasks

1.         Jerry B. Jenkins gives a quick lesson on the writing process. He goes through a series of questions to help sharpen his prose. Good stuff.

2.         Chad R. Allen shares strategies on how to build your platform and write your book.

3.         Christian Headlines reports on World Series veteran giving his testimony to fans after a game. Years ago, I remember being impressed with Christian baseball players. It's good for people of all ages to have role models.

4.         Lynn Simpson tells about an adventure that occurred while she was on her blog break. Hilarious!

5.         We all have days when the workload makes us want to hide under the covers. Carol, At Everything Home With Carol, shares her secret of tackling all those tasks.

Writers and Readers:  What link was your favorite this week?

Photo Credit:  mooncross


quietspirit said...

Susan: I liked Chad Allen's blog entry. I also liked the homemaker's hint. I needed to hear both. Thank you for your work.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Quiet Spirit -

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

Have a great week.

God bless,
Susan :)