Friday, October 7, 2016

Treading Water/Time Management/Revival/Recipe/Shopping


1.         Heather Webb's article, at Writer Unboxed, spoke to my current situation. I'm between publishing contracts, spent the summer nursing a broken wrist, and editing my latest novel. Are you in a season where you feel like you're treading water? Check out this post.


2.         Writing, holding a full-time job, caregiving, and ministry responsibilities are my life. When I saw Sandra Ardoin interviewed author Amy Clipston on the subject, I jumped over there to see if I could get some tips.


3.         There's revival in Iran despite persecution. While believers cannot meet together, the internet has provided a way for them to connect. Check out the story here.


4.         There's a chill in the air, and our thoughts turn to pumpkin recipes. I found these low-fat pumpkin/cranberry muffins that take only 35 minutes to make.


5.         When the seasons change, the need to pick up some new clothes can  be tough on the budget. Check out these tips on shopping clearance sales from Money Crashers.


Writers:  Are you making progress in your writing or do you feel like you're treading water? Please share.


Readers:  Do you shop clearance sales? If you have any tips, please share.

Photo Credit:  Micah Burke

1 comment:

quietspirit said...

Susan: I feel as if I am treading water. I am awaiting the return of a partial manuscript I have asked some people to read. At the same time, I feel I have made progress because I have been able to input more sections to that manuscript. However, life seems to keep getting in my way. I hope to get more done in the coming weeks.