Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunshine Award

Ruth, at Out on a Limb, gave me this award way back in April. I'm finally getting around to answering the questions and passing it on. Thanks, Ruth, for this honor.

1) Favorite color - Purple, but pink comes in a close second.

2) Favorite animal - Cats. I haven't had any for a long time. My late husband was allergic.

3) Favorite number - Sorry, I don't have one.

4) Favorite drink - I love milk, especially if I have cookies to go along with it.

5) Facebook or Twitter - Facebook. I'm too wordy for Twitter although I do have an account.

6) My passion - Next to Jesus, writing. :)

7) Getting or giving - I experience joy in both, but giving probably edges out getting.

8) Favorite pattern - I like floral patterns best. They're so cheerful.

9) Favorite day of the week - Friday. I don't think I have to explain that one.

10) Favorite flower - I love roses - any color, any variety. Their beauty never fails to make me smile.

I'm supposed to pass this along to other bloggers, but you all bring sunshine into my life. Consider yourself a winner and join in the fun if you have time.

Thanks again, Ruth!


Karen Lange said...

Congratulations Susan! I'm with you; I'm rather partial to Fridays. :)


Tyrean Martinson said...

Congratulations Susan! I love Fridays too . . although I think every day has its own charm. Fridays are the day when I feel like I can play, and yet I often get the most work done too.

Anonymous said...

Roses are my favorite flower also.
I like Mondays, off work and have all day to myself.

Diane Estrella said...

You're a wonderful giver and I appreciate you.

We just got a cat and are enjoying her cuteness. :O)

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Love purple and I still sneak in milk (and cheese) here and there even though my stomach gets mad at me when I do. ;-)
~ Wendy

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Congrats, Susan! Great to get to know you better. I love roses too :)

Loree Huebner said...

I love roses too. Doesn't matter the color - but the smellier the better.

Sarah Forgrave said...

I love your drink choice, Susan, especially with the cookies. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I enjoyed learning about you purple lady! sandie

Melanie N. Brasher said...

I'm with you on #6, Susan! :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen - I feel like a kid getting out of school!

Hi Tyrean - Thanks. Each day has its own character and excitement. Hmm, sounds like a novel!

Hi JoyAnne - I have part of the day off on Monday, so I appreciate that time.

Hi Diane - Aww, thanks. I'm so happy we got to meet in person.

Hi Wendy - Ooo, I can empathize. Try lactose free products. My tummy is much happier since I started using them.

Hi Cindy - Thanks. I love the intricate design of the rose. There's nothing quite like it.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Loree - Mom and I both received roses at church for Mother's Day. I chose the purple, and she selected orange. That orange one lived for almost 2 weeks!

Hi Sarah - I never outgrew my love for milk and cookies. It's still my favorite dessert.

Hi Sandie - LOL! You should see my bedroom.

Hi Melanie - I can't remember what #6 is! I'll have to go check it out.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hello again, Melanie - Ah yes, my big passions - Jesus and writing. :)

Susan :)))

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan .. bluey pink I'll go with .. cats and yes dogs .. iced coffee milk when I was a kid .. and roses with scents for my mother ..

Cheers and great list for us .. Hilary

Ruth Schiffmann said...

I love roses, too, Susan. We have a Joseph's Coat variety in the yard right now that's in full bloom. It produces many colors from the same vine. Gorgeous!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Hilary - Bluey-pink? How interesting. I don't think I've heard that before.

Hi Ruth - Thanks for the award and for joining the fun!

Susan :)

Jean Fischer said...

Hi, Susan. Congratulations! I'm with you about cats. Love them. I've had quite a few. The current ones are Pepper Rose and Benjamin Andrew :-) I always give my kitties middle names.

Rhonda Schrock said...

Congrats, Susan! You do bring sunshine, that's for sure. I notice you didn't mention coffee...or Diet Coke. So I'll mention both now. :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jean - Oh, I like their names! My two were Abraham and Sarah.

Hi Rhonda - The best I'll do is tea with an occasional decaf coffee.

Susan :)

JD said...
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JD said...

Congratulations! You have been a ray of sunshine in my life, so I can see why Ruth gave you this award. :-)

Like you, I love milk. It's nutritious and refreshing. Also, when I feel a cold coming on, I drink hot milk with two tablespoons of honey. That combination does a world of good for me when I'm under the weather.

Enjoy the rest of your week!