Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Round-Up - #211

Carol Alexander, at Everything Home With Carol, shares a great method for teaching kids how to write a story.

Do you have any budding writers in your family?  How are you nurturing their gift?

Have a blessed weekend!


Karen Lange said...

Carol always has great ideas to share! Thanks for the link!


Nancy said...

I used to try to encourage my children to write. They would see me at the kitchen table working away at some piece of fiction. I also worked with them when they did homework writings. So far, I don't have a budding writer. Maybe my grandchildren can get on board. I like the easy technique that Carol suggests. They're three. We'll try it in a few years. Meanwhile, we can do the progressive story thing.

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Yes! My oldest daughter is really interested in writing stories. I share some tips with her and we plot together. It's really fun seeing her love reading and writing so much!

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Thanks for the link Susan. I have several writers in the family, my dad being the inspiration for all of us. He published his first book when he turned 75. It was a based on a true event during WWII, when a plane with British soldiers crashed in our home town, my dad remembered it.

Chatty Crone said...

Have a great weekend. sandie

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen - A lot of my writer friends have kids or grandkids. I thought this link would be helpful.

Hi Nancy - Perhaps you can encourage their storytelling abilities verbally.

Hi Cindy - Awesome!

Hi Marja - Wow, I'm sure that gives hope to older writers.

Hi Sandie - You too!

Susan :)

Carol J. Alexander said...

Thanks for sharing my post, Susan. I'm glad you reminded me...we need to dig that story out and finished it. We got so engrossed in our American history study (and of course summer fun) that we forgot about it.

Jean Fischer said...

Thanks for sharing Carol's ideas with us. No little budding writers here, but one of the great joys in my life is working with young writers. They are so eager and creative. Progressive stories are always fun.


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Carol - I thought the progressive story was a fabulous idea.

Hi Jean - Young writers are so open to new ideas and willing to experiment.

Susan :)

Diane Estrella said...

My daughter is an avid reader and when the mood strikes is quite the writer. I am trying not to push her so it will be fun for her and not part of "schooling" necessarily. I hope her passion grows for it. :O)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Diane -

Good idea! She's blessed to have a wise Mom.

Susan :)