Friday, June 29, 2018

Saying Less/Motivation/Archaeology/Devo/Flowers

Archaeology 2

1.  Jane Friedman posted at Publishers Weekly on, "How to Network Better by Saying Less." With conference season in full swing, her timely advice can help us all when we meet editors and agents.

2.  Glenn Haggerty posts at Seriously Write about motivation. Having been on the proverbial hamster wheel the first six months of 2018, I needed the reminders he provided - like filing the to-do list for the day.

3. It makes my heart glad when I read about archaeological discoveries that validate the Bible. Not long ago, U.S. Christians unearthed the seals of King Hezekiah and the prophet, Isaiah. Check out this report by Breaking Christian News.

4.  Lynn J. Simpson's devotion, "Let's Talk About Romance," touches at the core of our longings - to be loved and to love. No matter what our marital status, we can experience the love of God.

5.  I love flowers, but these knees don't like kneeling to plant them. I've been searching for perennials, so I can put them in and see them come up every year. I have astilbes with a pretty, feathery bloom. Better Homes and Gardens recently posted an article on the 15 Most Underused Perennials. Maybe you'll get some ideas as well.

Writers:  Are you attending a conference this year? How do you prepare for your editor/agent appointments?

Readers:  Do you have perennials in your garden? Which ones do you have?

Photo Credit:  Vicky Johnson

1 comment:

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hi Susan, I love the good news reports on Breaking Christian News, so encouraging. Thanks for sharing!