Friday, June 27, 2014

Hitting the Internet Highway

Let's jump on the Internet Highway and see what we find!

1.  Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, asks, "How Much Information Should I Give Away for Free on My Blog?"

2.  Pauline Creedon guest posts at Seriously Write, on the subject of using blogs to promote e-books. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series and offers some excellent information and tips for both fiction and non-fiction authors.

3.  My characters LOVE apple pie and other desserts. For all you foodies and those who, like me, enjoy eating it, here's a link to some recipes.

Readers and Writers:  Have you ever participated in a blog hop or used/participated in a Rafflecopter drawing? Please tell us about your experience.

Photo Credit:  teddymafia


Dorothy said...

Hi Susan, I used Rafflecopter this week for the first time, when I entered to win a book on a blog. Not as scary as it appears and I was able to accumulate quite a few points for the draw with a few quick clicks.
Fun... I might not be so scared, next time.

Blessings for a wonderful weekend. You've made me wish for apple pie, now. xx

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Dorothy,

I was intimidated by the Rafflecopter at first, but I'm getting accustomed to it.

Tonight, I met a Facebook friend in person and ordered apple pie. :)
