Friday, May 9, 2014

For The Writer and The Reader

I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing and connect with readers. The first two links wowed me with their suggestions.

Who doesn't like giveaways? I've discovered many wonderful authors and books as a result of blog contests. Diane Estrella is a frequent stop for me in my Internet travels.

1.  Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, gives writers ideas on how to write like a reader. Now, there's an intriguing title!

2.  The Positive Writer tells us why we should Shut Up and Write! This helped me so much, and I wanted to share it with all of you.

3.  Diane Estrella, at That's What I'm Here For, posts a giveaway for Michael Warren Munsey's book, An Average Joes Pursuit For Financial Freedom. In addition, she has a ton of giveaways on her site for other books and products. The deadline is May 17th, but if you miss it, take heart! She always has great giveaways in progress.

Question for Writers and Readers:  Do you enter giveaways of either books or products? Have you won anything? Please share.

Have a blessed week!

Photo Credit:  lsnflo


Rhonda Schrock said...

I actually have own, to my great surprise! I have a number of new books on my shelves because of blog giveaways.

That's wonderful!

quietspirit said...

I have enterd drawings for books. I have won several of them.I will follow the links and learn from these writers.

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Diane is a doll and the queen of blogging :) And Susan, that post on shut up and write is so good!! I tweeted it. Thanks for sharing.

Diane Estrella said...

Thanks for the shoutout! Tons of giveaways do I have, and tons more I love to enter. I have won lots of books and other things that I probably never would have bought on my own so that is always fun.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Rhonda -

I enjoy giveaways as well. It's a great way to discover new authors and help them on their journey.

Have a blessed weekend,
Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Quiet Spirit -

Following recommended links has put me in touch with some fabulous bloggers. I'm thankful for the short posts. They're a wealth of information.

Susan :)