Monday, November 19, 2012

Blogger Burnout Spa

My friend, Karen Lange, and I were discussing the need for a blogging break via email. She used a phrase something like, "blog burnout spa." Well, my brain did a flip and tossed out some interesting ideas of what amenities that spa might offer.

1.  Chocolate. Writing or not, this is a necessity.

2.  By day, I'd walk through an indoor tropical paradise. Birds and butterflies would swoop and hover among the orchids, waterlilies, ponds, and palm trees.

3.  At night, a cozy fire and couch would give me a place to read my Bible, journal, and talk with the Lord.

4.  A princess-and-the-pea canopy bed would await me, piled high with pillows and luxurious linens. Of course, they'd be various shades of purple.

5. No spa getaway would be complete without the company of good friends. Tea, delicate confections, and laughter would erase the tensions of daily life.

Items to be checked at the door:

1.  Computers
2.  Cell Phones
3.  TV's
4.  Newspapers
5.  Manuscripts and red pens

I'll be taking a break for the Thanksgiving Weekend. See you on Monday, 10/26/12. 

What's your idea of a blog burnout spa?


Chatty Crone said...

Those were some good ideas Susan. And I want to wish you a great Thanksgiving week. sandie

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - it's great you and Karen are always in touch ...

Love the idea of a Blogging burnout spa - just somewhere to recuperate and recover to face the world once again ..

Enjoy Thanksgiving and your time out - cheers Hilary

Linda O'Connell said...

I think you would have a lot of company shuld you decide to create a writer's spa such as this :)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Rhonda Schrock said...

Enjoy your break, Susan. Sometimes, that's the clears the cobwebs. Or it does for me, anyway. It helps me if I'm staying busy with my family or with friends during that time.

Waving and smiling,


Loree Huebner said...

The spa sounds wonderful, Susan!

Enjoy your break and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

DenaNetherton said...

Oh Susan, what a wonderful idea.
I try to make my house in the mountains a get-away for others: comfy private quarters with a well-appointed bath, quiet, a wrap-around porch with glorious views, and a host and hostess who love to welcome visitors. Stop by if you're in the area!

Sarah Forgrave said...

Ahhh, can I join you there, Susan? :) Sounds divine!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie - Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi Hilary - Karen and I met online and have become close. We're writing a book together. :)

Hi Linda - With a gazillion blogs out there, I'm sure there would be quite a demand.

Hi Rhonda - Thanks! A short break refreshes, but I don't allow it to grow into an extended time off.

Hi Loree - Wouldn't it be nice if it really existed?

Hi Dena - Thanks for the invitation. My late husband and I visited Colorado when we were first married. It was a belated honeymoon, and I have many fond memories of the area.

Hi Sarah - Sure! It would be a great pajama party.

Susan :)

Carol Garvin said...

I'm arriving here late, but still want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you've been having a good break.

Your Spa sounds like the perfect thing for refreshing and replenishing a burned out blogger. However, I wouldn't choose an indoor tropical paradise so much as an outdoor on-the-windswept-seashore experience. I'd like to book into the gorgeous Wickaninnish Inn on eastern Vancouver Island's Long Beach ( for my getaway. After that, all the rest of your amenities would be on my list, along with several of my favourite books for bedtime reading.

Carol Garvin said...

P.S. Oh, yes, and maybe purple linens wouldn't be my first choice, although they're pretty. I'd like soft sage green, please, or the ocean's shades of watery greens and blues. :)

Karen Lange said...

My ideal spa location would be in the mountains. Chocolate, as you said, is a given. :) Perhaps someday we'll get away to a spa together!

Hope you are enjoying your break!

Blessings and hugs,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Carol - Ah, my spa looks different because I'm not a seaside, outdoor type of gal. Perhaps two venues would serve both groups. :)

Hi Karen - Sounds great to me!

Susan :)

JD said...

Hi, Susan:

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

My Blogger Burnout Spa would have no clocks anywhere in sight and, more importantly, no deadlines!

Enjoy your Sunday. :-)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Janette -

Thanksgiving was wonderful!

No clocks or deadlines - I like the way you think. :)
