Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Round-Up - #219

Jeanette Levellie, at On Wings of Mirth and Worth, posts about being great before you're famous. 

Heather Sunseri, at Balance With Purpose, discusses self-publishing not really being "self" any more than traditional publishing is "full service."

Writers: Do you think self-publishing is "taking the easy route?" Why or why not?

Readers:  What are some of the small kindnesses that have impacted your life?

Have a blessed weekend!


Karen Lange said...

Will check out both these posts, thank you. They are among my favorite bloggers. :)

I don't think self publishing is taking the easy route. It is a lot of work with marketing and other details.

Have a great weekend,

Cindy R. Wilson said...

I used to think self-publishing was taking the easy route, but not so much anymore. Like Karen said, there's a lot of work to go with it, and if you're really in it as a professional and doing the behind the scenes stuff, then it's definitely not easy.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen - I agree. The attitudes of people toward self-published books make them difficult to market.

Hi Cindy - It's a daunting task. There's no one to hold your hand and walk you through the publishing maze.

Susan :)

Jeanette Levellie said...

Oh, thank you dear Susan, for this sweet shout out! I appreciate you very much.

No, I don't think self-publishing is taking the easy way out. If an author has a niche book or one that addresses issues to a special market, self-publishing is the wisest choice. It's not easy--it's a ton of work to market your own writing. But with marketing groups like John 3:16 and others, we have someone to help get the word out on our behalf.

Happy Weekend!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jen -

You've made some excellent points. Speakers often self-publish, so they'll have books for back-of-the-house sales.

Susan :)

JD said...

I'll check out these sites. Thanks, Susan!

I do *not* believe that self-publishing is taking the easy way out. I've read numerous articles in which writers bash self-publishing as "lazy" and "inferior in quality". In contrast, I've spoken to authors who have actually self-published and they've told me the enormous effort it takes to do so. I think self-publishing is a wonderful avenue that some will explore and others won't depending on their book topic, audience, etc. Sometimes you have to toot your own horn hoping enough people will listen. ;-)

Timely topic! Be well, my friend...

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Janette -

I agree. So much depends on whether you write non-fiction, fiction, the genre, the topic. If the subject has limited interest, self-publishing is probably a good choice.

Susan :)