Monday, August 20, 2012

Is Anyone NOT Writing a Book?

Whether it's Christian TV or regular TV, all the guests seem to be promoting a book. From How to Lose 40 Pounds in a Week to 10 Steps to a Deeper Walk With God (both titles I made up), it's like one long-running infomercial.

Are people writing because of:

1) A bad economy?

2) A me-to, let me jump on the bandwagon mentality?

3) Easy access to training via Websites/Blogs?

4) A desire to leave a legacy?

5) A passion for a cause?

6) They feel called of God to write on a particular subject?

7) A combination of the above or something else?

Writers: Why do you write? We're fond of talking about inciting moments in fiction. What was your inciting incident that catapulted you into the writing arena?

Readers: Do you get overwhelmed with the number of books out there? How do you decide what books you'll read and what books you'll pass on?

I'm choosey about what I read. I want material that's wholesome, has a Christian worldview, and a great story.

Photo:  lusi


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - me .. but I'd like to do something in that direction - will seriously think about it over the winter.

I will be being more ruthless in clearing my books - but need to read first and there are some I definitely can get rid of now .. so will be doing that ..

I'm not the best reader of books - I scour around for items of interest - well they appear in some format and then I search for a bit more info .. and tie my thoughts into a post that interests readers - thankfully it works.

Probably no 5 - will be the one .. when I've sorted out my life - cheers and have a good week -Hilary

Kathleen said...

I must confess: I fall prey to book reviews! I have a plethora of reading material piled high now; and were I to start reading I'd not be finished before next 4the of July! I have good intentions though :)

Someday I'll add a few of my own ... or so I hope. I've got several in the wings, which is to say I've made up titles and crafted a few opening lines. Someday.


Karen Lange said...

I think people write for all of those reasons and more. I write because I love it and feel that it is my calling. Somehow I just know that I was meant to put words together, you know? Now whether anyone reads them or not is another story. lol Good topic! :)

Happy Monday,

Tyrean Martinson said...

I write because I love writing. I've been writing short stories and poetry since I was in elementary school, and I plan to write as long as I am able.

Yes, publishing is a dream too, but it has nothing to do with slow economy or anything like that.

I just want to share my writing and my stories with others outside my family.

I think that God has given me a passion for writing. I'm not sure that he gifted me with natural talent, but He did give me a passion for it, so I try to use it for him.

Loree Huebner said...

I write because I love it. God put that on my heart. He also put a few stories there as well. I write - hoping to touch hearts, all for His glory.

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Haha Susan, good question: is anyone NOT writing a book?? I need time to think this over. Yes, I feel called, but then... everyone thinks he or she is called. With so many writers, who is going to read?

quietspirit said...

Good question, Susan. You'd be surprised at who writes books. David Niven, Madonna (children's books), Henry Winkler, and I'm sure there are others. I see part of their reasoning is that they 1) feel they have something to say. or2)believe their being known gives then the needed boost to sell books.

I write because I believe God has allowed me to have this gift and insight. I also like doing it.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Hilary - Ah, but not for long! LOL.

Hi Kathleen - I just downloaded 5 Kindle books. :)

Hi Karen - Yes, I do know. Writing is like breathing for me.

Hi Tyrean - The economy isn't an influence for me either. I've written through both good and bad economies.

Hi Loree - Welcome back! I agree. Most of all, I want my words to communicate His heart.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Marja - I think most writers are also serious readers. I've read 34 books so far this year. :)

Hi Quiet Spirit - A lot of famous people use ghost writers. Perhaps putting out a book holds a certain mystique for some people.

Susan :)

Rhonda Schrock said...

I write because it's what I was born to do. My husband's encouragement over the years planted the seed, God brought an open door and then another, and so I just keep going. I try to write "under the influence" of the Holy Spirit (and coffee). That's what gives it that special tang.

Good questions, Susan!

Sarah Forgrave said...

I've noticed this trend as well, Susan. :) I wonder if the convenience of self-publishing gives more people incentive? Truthfully writing books wasn't in my mind until God made it a clear calling. It's pretty hard to say no when He speaks so forcefully. :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Rhonda - LOL! You have such a way with words. No wonder you're a writer.

Hi Sarah - I always thought I'd be more of a non-fiction writer, but the Lord had other ideas. :)


Jean Fischer said...

I've always written. It's so much a part of me that if I lost the ability to do it, it would be like someone tearing out my heart. I need to write.

I agree with Karen; people write for all the reasons you've listed, and more. Self-publishing has made it easy for writers to get their books into the hands of readers.

DenaNetherton said...

Hi Susan, I've been writing books--in my head --since I was a child. Right about the time my last child was about to leave the next, God gave me a powerful push to start putting those stories down in type. I can't stop!I feel a great sense of urgency about getting stories out that proclaim Christ and His all-sufficiency.

DenaNetherton said...

Me (Dena) again. Correction: I meant "nest." Argh!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jean - I didn't consider myself a "writer," but I was always writing. Somewhere along the line, I had one of those "duh" moments and went full steam ahead.

Hi Dena - I was always telling stories too. It only took me...maybe I shouldn't say. I'd be giving away my age. :)
