For all you chocolate lovers out there, Donna L. H. Smith has a chocolate blog. It's not only chocolate, it's organic chocolate.
Perhaps you've heard the talk about the FTC's new rulings concerning book reviews and giveaways. Publisher's Weekly recently talked to them and cleared up the confusion. You can all breathe a collective sigh of relief.
Have a great weekend!
I was relieved to read the article about reviews and giveaways. That was a great article! Thanks for sharing!
Good links! Thanks for the tidbit about PW. Good to know. :-)
Hi Sherrinda -
Yes, I saw a link on the ACFW loop, and thought I'd pass it along. There's been so much confusion over this issue.
Good to see you.
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
You're welcome. Thomas Nelson has told bloggers to include a note in reviews that they received the book free. I guess they're playing it safe.
I've heard giveaways need to be limited to U.S. residents because of state laws. Have you heard anything on that issue?
Susan :)
Susan, thanks for the link to the PW article about giveaways. Good info!
Hi Kathryn -
You're welcome. I know a lot of folks were worried
Susan :)
I vote for chocolate over bar bells.
Thanks for the link to the Pub. Weekly article.
You're a gem!
Hi Jen -
I'm with you - Hershey's Extra Dark chocolate bar. Yum!
Susan :)
Thank you for informative article.
Always useful. I would like to invite you to take a part in my question time if you a time to spare on my blog: http://bittersweetbeata.blogspot.com
Your opinion is always highly valued.
Hi Beata -
I'm dashing out in a few minutes. Will try to visit your blog later tonight. :)
Thanks Susan, for this helpful info. Chocolate always gets my attention, and the PW link was good too.
Hi Karen -
Glad you enjoyed the links. I've already eaten way too much chocolate this weekend. :)
Susan, there was an article in my RWA magazine about giveaways. It was pretty detailed, thus, I don't remember much. LOL But yes, I think there was something about across countries, and even state laws. For example, a book drawing could be considered a lottery, which in some states might be illegal. It's pretty complicated and imo, annoying. LOL But I'm for less rules, not more.
It was a great article though. If I have time I'll try to see if the author put it up on her website.:-)
Hi Jess -
Thanks for the info. I read that book giveaways had to be limited to U.S. residents and a statement put in saying no fee was required to enter.
What a nuisance. You can't even be nice these days without Scrooge showing up.
Susan :)
Thanks for the links. I really appreciated reading the one with regard to blogs and reviews.
I could sure use all the help I can get with shedding those pounds. Thanks, Susan!
Hi Eileen -
I saw your new blogging venture with international writers. Cool! I signed up as a Follower. BTW - great pic.
Susan :)
Thanks for the article from PW. You always provide such helpful advice!
And thanks for linking to my blog - although the chocolate is soooo much more inviting! haha
And thanks for your encouraging words in your comment on my blog :) It is appreciated more than I can say.
Hi Susan -
I know. Doesn't that chocolate look scrumptious?
Glad the PW article helped.
Susan :)
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