Friday, August 16, 2019

Word Genius/Vocabulary/Hospice/Devo/Rare Succulent


1.  Words - both writers and readers love them. I found a site called, "Word Genius." I get an email daily with a specific word and its definition. On the website, you'll find a blog, a daily quiz, and a lot of words.

2.  Tim Suddeth posts at The Write Conversation on, "5 Tips To Grow Your Vocabulary." (I think we have a theme going on here!)

3. Do you think unborn babies and infants are the only ones in danger? Think again. I saw this article on Life Site News about a 103-year-old woman detained in a hospice against her will.

4. Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, talks about recognizing God's provision. In the article she mentions her gratitude journal. It reminds me of a game a friend and I often played. We'd list all the things we were grateful for. The one who had the most items at the end won.

5.  I've always been drawn to succulent, my first being a Jade plant. Hip2behome ran a post about a rare succulent that looks almost exactly like a rose. There's also a link to where you can buy one. I.Must.Check.This.Out.

Writers:  How do you improve your vocabulary?

Readers:  What effect has reading had on your vocabulary/general knowledge?

Photo Credit: Brenton Nicholls

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