Friday, March 1, 2019

Time/Book Cover Design/Christian Airline/Devo/Amish Cleaning Hacks


1.  Lisa Hall-Wilson gives 5 Ways Time Affects How We Write. In deep point of view, we're not supposed to name emotions. However, there are exceptions. She explains the principles involved. I think even non-writers will find this article fascinating since it gives insight on how we process traumatic events.

2.  Carol Ashby posts at Seriously Write about designing book covers that appeal to both men and women. Since many authors are now going the Indie route, they're assuming full responsibility for every aspect of production. Don't miss this valuable advice.

3.  Christian Headlines reports on the world's first Christian airline. They will provide churches and missionaries with easier travel.

4.  "What is a God Adventure?" This devotional on CBN made me think, especially as the new year is fairly young. Check it out.

5.  I came across an item on Pinterest about Amish Cleaning Hacks. Check out some of their tricks for discouraging pests, degreasing, etc.

Writers:  Either fiction or non-fiction - how do you go about designing your book covers?

Readers:  Do you enjoy reading devotionals? What are some of your favorites?

Photo Credit:  Michelle Seixas

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